A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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ယဖိၪအီၪ အမု ၪကဂၩ ဒဲ အခွၫကဂၩလီၫ.<br />

860. Have you got a gun? နကျီၩ့ အီၪ ကခိၪဧၪ.<br />

861. Do you go to school? နလ့ ၩလၧ ဆၧမၩလိၪဧၪ.<br />

862. Are <strong>the</strong>re any horses here? ထီးယီၩ ကၥ့ ၪအီၪ ကနၩ့နၩ့ဧၪ.<br />

863. Yes, how many do you want? မွဲ, ဘၪနၥၭ ဎွ ့ဒု ၩလဲၪ.<br />

864. I want one horse for my carriage.<br />

ယဘၪယၥၭ ကဒု ၩ လၧယလဲၪ့အဂးလီၫ.<br />

865. Those are very fine bullocks how much did you give for <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

ချီဖၫလဖၪနီၪ ဂ့ ၩမၬတၭ, နဖ့ ၪလၫ့ဘၪအဎွ ့ၩဆံ ၭအၪလဲၪ.<br />

866. I want to smoke a pipe. ယမိအီၩၥံ ၪမိၭခီၫ့လီၫ.<br />

867. Have you got any cigars? နၥံ ၪမိၭအီၪကနၩ့နၩ့ဆ့ ဧၪ.<br />

868. No, my cigars are lost. အီၪအ့ ၬ, ယၥံ ၪမိၭလဖၪ လၩ့မါခွ ံ ၬလီၫ.<br />

869. Is <strong>the</strong> <strong>Pwo</strong>-<strong>Karen</strong> language difficult? မိထံၭ အဆၧချဲၩ့နီၪ ကၪ ဧၪ.<br />

870. Do not make a noise, you will wake <strong>the</strong> baby.<br />

ထီးမၩၥီၫဆၧလဂ့ ၩ, နကမၩဂဲထု ၪ့ ဖိၪၥၪလီၫ.<br />

PETITIONS &c.<br />

No. 1.<br />

The accused before <strong>the</strong> Court is charged with having stolen some clo<strong>the</strong>s belonging to Maung Po. The facts are<br />

as follows: - at 5 o'clock on <strong>the</strong> morning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 30th June, <strong>the</strong> complaint on waking up found that his box <strong>of</strong><br />

clo<strong>the</strong>s, which he kept at <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> his bed, was missing; when he searched for it, <strong>the</strong> box was found<br />

outside broken-open and all <strong>the</strong> clo<strong>the</strong>s from it were missing. Three days afterwards at a 'pwe' <strong>the</strong> complainant<br />

saw <strong>the</strong> accused wearing a 'patso,' which he recognised as his. He at once told <strong>the</strong> Thugyi, who arrested <strong>the</strong><br />

accused. The 'patso' is recognised by five witnesses, and <strong>the</strong> accused can only say that he bought it, but he<br />

cannot tell <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> man from whom he bought it. The case is very clear, so I sentence <strong>the</strong> accused to<br />

30 stripes.<br />

ၦဘၪန့အမူၭ လၧအအီၪလၧရိၩ့အမ့ ၬယၫဘၪ ဆၧအီၪက့ ၪဝ့ ၫဆၧမၪ လၧအဝ့ ၫအၪ့ဂူၫ ဆၧကီၩ့ဆၧၥိၭ ကနၩ့နၩ့, လၧအဘၪဆဲၫ့, မီၫ့ဖိ နီၪလီၫ.<br />

အဂဲးလဖၪ ဂဲၫဝ့ ၫဘဲၫယီၩ, လၧလၩယူၩ ၃၀ ၥၫ့ လၧဂီၩလခီၫ ယဲနၩရံ ၩအခၫ, ထီးၦအမူၭဆါ နၪ့ထၪ့အၥၭ, အဝ့ ၫဒၪဘၪအဆၧကီၩ့ဆၧၥိၭ အတလၫ<br />

လၧအအီၪက့ ၪဝ့ ၫလၧအမံ ၩ့ထၭခိၪနီၪ, လၩ့မါခွ ံ ၬဝ့ ၫလီၫ. ထီးအဝ့ ၫအၪ့ဎၬဝ့ ၫအခၫ, တလၫဘၪဆၧဒၪန့ဝ့ ၫ လၧခီၫ့လခီၫဘၪဆၧမၩထ့ ၬဖၭ ဒဲ<br />

ဆၧကီၩ့ဆၧၥိၭလၧအဖၧၩ့ လၩ့မါခွ ံ ၬ ထီးအလူၬလီၫ. အလးခဲၫ့ ၥၧၫ့နံၩလၧ ဆၧဘိၪ့အဖၧၩ့ ၦအမူၭဆါဒၪဘၪ ၦဘၪန့အမူၭ ကီၩ့ၥိၭ<br />

ၡၫ့ကဘံ ၪ့လၧအဝ့ ၫထီးနဲၫ့မွဲအဆၧလီၫ. အဝ့ ၫကထံ ၪဎး လီၩဘၪ ၥကၠ ံ ၩ ဒဲ အဝ့ ၫဖီၩ့ထၬ ၦဘၪန့အမူၭလီၫ. ၡၫ့နီၪ ဘၪဆၧထီးနဲၫ့ဝ့ ၫ လၧၥဲၬၥ့ ၫ ယဲဂၩ<br />

ဒဲ ၦဘၪန့အမူၭ လီၩဝ့ ၫၥ့ ၪန့ လၧအဎွ ့ၩဝ့ ၫလီၫ. လါနၫ့ လီၩ ၦအမံ ၩ့ လၧအဎွ ့ၩဝ့ ၫနီၪ ၥ့ ၪအ့ ၬ. ဆၧအမူၭ ပျၩ့ ဂ့ ၩဘၪစဲၪအကၠ ီၩ့ ယစ့ ၩရၫ့စၪ<br />

ၦဘၪန့အမူၭလၧ အကဘၪ ဒိၪအထု ၪ ၃၀ လီၫ.<br />

No. 2.<br />

The accused Maung Maung is brought before me by <strong>the</strong> Thugyi because he is a bad character and is always<br />

threatening to beat o<strong>the</strong>r people. The accused goes about <strong>the</strong> village carrying a knife, with which he threatens<br />

to kill everyone who interferes with him. There have also been many <strong>the</strong>fts in <strong>the</strong> village lately, and accused is<br />

suspected <strong>of</strong> having committed <strong>the</strong>m himself. He also goes about <strong>the</strong> neighbouring villages gambling. A person<br />

like <strong>the</strong> accused is a danger to <strong>the</strong> public and I <strong>the</strong>refore sentence him to give two sureties <strong>of</strong> Rs 200 each to<br />

be <strong>of</strong> good behaviour for 6 months; if he fails to do this, I sentence him to 6 months rigorous imprisonment.<br />

ၦဘၪန့အမူၭမီၫ့မီၫ့ဘၪ ဆၧဂဲၫဆိၬလၧ ယမ့ ၬယၪလၧအဝ့ ၫအၥကၠ ံ ၩလၧအဝ့ ၫဒၪမွဲ ၦအအၧၩ့ကဂၩအကၠ ီၩ့ ဒဲ အဝ့ ၫကိၭကၠၪဒ့ ၭခၧးလၧအဒိၪၦအဂူၫဂၩလီၫ.<br />

ၦဘၪန့အမူၭ လ့ ၩဝံၩ့ဝၩ့တဝၫ့အဖၧၩ့, ဆိၬဒီၩကဘံ ၪ့လၧအခၧး ကမၩၥံ ၫ ၦကဂၩလါလါ လၧအမၩထံၭထၬအဝ့ ၫလီၫ. လၧလယံ ၬဒံၭဘၪအခၫ<br />

ၦအၪ့ဂူၫဆၧအၪအၪ လၧတဝၫ့ဖၧၩ့, ဒဲ ၦဘၪန့အမူၭဘၪ ဆၧဆီၫ့မီၪ့ဝ့ ၫ လၧအဝ့ ၫအနၫ့ဆါဒၪဝ့ ၫလီၫ. အဝ့ ၫလ့ ၩဝံၩ့ဝၩ့ ထၩဆၧ<br />

လၧတဝၫ့အနဲၩ့ဎီၩ့အကျၩဆ့ ၬလီၫ. ၦလၩ့ဂၬ ၦဘၪန့အမူၭကဂၩ မွဲဆၧၥၭမဲၪအလး လၧၦခမျၧးအဂးအကၠ ီၩ့, ယစ့ ၩရၫ့စၪ အဝ့ ၫလၧ အကဘၪ ဖ့ ၪလၫ့<br />

ၦထိးအၥၭ နံၫဂၩကကၨၭ စ့ ၩကဂၩ ၂၀၀ ဘၭ လၧအဝ့ ၫကအီၪဂ့ ၩဂ့ ၩ လၧလၩဎူၫဘံ ၪ့အထးဖၧၩ့လီၫ. အ့ ၪမၩဝ့ ၫဘဲၫယီၩ လၥ့ ၪဘၪ, ယစ့ ၩရၫ့စၪ

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