A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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531. Has he recovered?<br />

အဝ့ ၫ အီၪဆီၪ့ထၪ့ထဲၩ့ဧၪ.<br />

532. He sent a man in to buy medicine, and we asked him, he says he cannot walk yet.<br />

အဝ့ ၫဖျါလၩ့ ၦကဂၩ ဘဲၫၥိၭကဎွ ့ၩန့ ၥံ ၪ့ဎွ ံ ၪ ဒဲ ပအၪ့စၪ့အဝ့ ၫ ဒဲ အဝ့ ၫစံၭဆၧၫ့ဝ့ ၫဒၪ ဂၭဖၬ နၧၩ့ဒံၭအ့ ၬ.<br />

533. The railway which goes to Henzada branches <strong>of</strong>f at Letpadan.<br />

လဲၪ့မ့ ၪ လၧအလ့ ၩ လၧဟၫ့ကထၭနီၪ ဘၪစဲၪ့ထၪ့ လၧလဲၬပဒၩ့လီၫ.<br />

(68)<br />

534. Whe<strong>the</strong>r leaving Rangoon or coming to Rangoon, it leaves<br />

at midnight.<br />

လဲၪ့မ့ ၪ လၧအလ့ ၩမွဲဂ့ ၩ လၧအဂဲၫမွဲဂ့ ၩ ဘၪစဲၪ့ထၪ့ ဝံးတခိၩ့ယီၩ ဖိၭဖၫ့မု အခၫလီၫ.<br />

535. The water reached up to <strong>the</strong> pony's stomach.<br />

ထံၫ ထၪ့ဘၭ လၧကၥ့ ၪအဂူၭဖိၫ့လီၫ.<br />

536. The Railway goes also from Henzada to Bassein.<br />

လဲၪ့မ့ ၪ လ့ ၩဆ့ လၧဟၫ့ကထၭ @ဎိၩ ပၥံ ၫ့နီၪလီၫ.<br />

537. The Railway which goes to Henzada being new slopes great deal.<br />

လဲၪ့မ့ ၪ လၧအလ့ ၩ ဟၫ့ကထၭနီၪ မွဲအၥၫ့အကၠ ီၩ့ ဒံၩ့ခံ ၫ့နၭလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

538. He squints a great deal.<br />

အဝ့ ၫ အမ့ ၬ ဒံၩ့ခံ ၫ့ နၭလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

539. Before it can go fast, two years will have to pass.<br />

လချုၭ အဝ့ ၫလ့ ၩဖျဲၪဖျဲၪၥ့ ၪဒံၭဘၪ ကဘၪဖီၩ့ခွ ံ ၬ နံၫနံၪ့လီၫ.<br />

540. The water flooding <strong>the</strong>re a great deal, <strong>the</strong>y have to be very careful.<br />

ဆၧအလးနီၪ ထံၫဎိၩနၭလ့ ၬအကၠ ီၩ့ အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪကဘၪ ထီးလၩ့အၥၭနၭလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

541. As Government has put a bund by <strong>the</strong> side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> river, <strong>the</strong> water has decreased a great deal.<br />

မွဲလၧ ၦဒိၪၥံ ၪ တမၧၫ့ထၬ ထံၫချိၬအနဲၩ့ထံၭအကၠ ီၩ့ ထံၫလၩ့ဆံ ၭထဲၩ့ ဖၭဒိၪလီၫ.<br />

542. The rain wet me.<br />

ဆၧဆၧၩ့ ဘၪစီၪယၧၩ.<br />

543. Today it did not rain.<br />

ကနံၩယီၩ ဆၧဂဲၫဆၧၩ့အ့ ၬ.<br />

544. The small grass grows very much.<br />

နၪ့ဖိၪ မဲၪထၪ့ အၪလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

545. Come, let us go and reap paddy.<br />

ဂဲၫ ပလ့ ၩကူၭဘု ၪဘီၪ.<br />

546. Come, let us go and pluck flowers.<br />

ဂဲၫ ပလ့ ၩ အၪ့မၩ ဖီၫလဖၪဘီၪ, ဂဲၫ ပလ့ ၩ အၪ့ဒ့ ၭ ဖီၫလဖၪဘီၪ.<br />

547. When does <strong>the</strong> steamer leave Maubin?<br />

ကဘၩ့မ့ ၪ စဲၪ့ထၪ့ လၧမအူၫပံ ၫ့ ဆံ ၭယံ ၬလဲၪ.<br />

548. We want a Thugyi for our village.<br />

ပမိမၩဘၪပၥၭ လၧၥူၪကၠ ံ ၩလဂၩ လၧပတဝၫ့အဖၧၩ့လီၫ.<br />

(69)<br />

549. Choose a Thugyi when you want.<br />

ရွ ံ ထၪ့ ၥူၪကၠ ံ ၩလဂၩ လၧနဘၪနၥၭနီၪဆံ ၭ.<br />

550. Can you bring a letter which you have received from your friend for me to read?<br />

န န့ဘၪ လံၬပရၧၫ့ လဘံ ၪ့ လၧနထံၩနၥိၭအီၪနီၪ နကဂဲၫဆိၬ လၧယကဖီအဂးဘၪ ကၥ့ ၪဆ့ ဧၪ.<br />

551. Formerly I used to work in <strong>the</strong> Police.<br />

လၧအဂု ၪခိၪ ယမၩယံ ၩယါဆၧ လၧပလံၭအဖၧၩ့လီၫ.<br />

552. The man who taught me formerly left suddenly without telling me anything.<br />

လၧအဂု ၪခိၪ ၦလၧအၥီၪ့လိၪယၧၩလဂၩနီၪ စဲၪ့ထၪ့ၡုၭခွ ံ ၬတၭ, လီၩဘၪယၧၩ ဆၧနးမံ ၩ့အ့ ၬ.<br />

553. If you see him tell him to come and visit me.

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