A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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No. 6<br />

Government have ruled (laid down an order) that whoever kills a man must die by hanging, but when <strong>the</strong><br />

Burman King was reigning, he ordered that a man's life was priced at Rs 300. At that time poor people were<br />

much oppressed but <strong>the</strong>y had to shut <strong>the</strong>ir eyes and bear it. Though a man did a very wicked deed, if he was<br />

able to pay money, because <strong>the</strong> Officials received bribes (presents), <strong>the</strong>y would hush up <strong>the</strong> fault. And if <strong>the</strong>y<br />

killed a man, <strong>the</strong>y did not hang him as <strong>the</strong> English do, <strong>the</strong>y would have him trod to death by an elephant,<br />

hack him to death, throw him into <strong>the</strong> water and drown him. Burmese Officials had no pity. In olden<br />

times <strong>the</strong>y would get a child and place him in a rice-pounder and tread him to death.<br />

ၦဒိၪလဖၪ အီၪက့ ၪ လၩ့ယူၭအလူ လၧၦလၧအမၩၥံ ၫၦၡၩအၥၭ ကဂၩလါလါ ဘၪ ဆၧစၧၩ့ၥံ ၫဝ့ ၫလီၫ. လါနၫ့ ထီးဒီၩ့ဂိၩအစဎွၩပၨၩ့ဆၧအခၫ,<br />

အဝ့ ၫအီၪက့ ၪလၩ့အလူ ၦကဂၩအၥၭမၧၫ့အဎွ ့ၩစ့ ၩၥၧၫ့ဖး (ၥၧၫ့ယၩ) အခၫနီၪ ၦၡၪ့ဖိၪၥံ ၪလဖၪဘၪ ဆၧမၩအၧၩ့မၩနၭဝ့ ၫအၪနၭလ့ ၬ လါနၫ့ အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪ<br />

ဘၪ ဘံ ၪ့မ့ ၬထိၭဝ့ ၫဒၪလီၫ. ၦအ့ ၪမၩ ဆၧအၧၩ့ဖၭဒိၪ လါနၫ့ အ့ ၪဖ့ ၪလၫ့စ့ ၩနၧၩ့တၭ မွဲလၧၦဒိၪၥံ ၪလဖၪ န့ဘၪ လါဆီၫ့အကၠ ီၩ့ မၩဘံ ၭမၩဘၧၩ့ခွ ံ ၬ<br />

ဆၧမၩၥံ ၫနီၪလီၫ. ဒဲအ့ ၪအဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪ မၩၥံ ၫ ၦၡၩနီၪ စၧၩ့ၥံ ၫဝ့ ၫဘဲၫ ၦအံ ၩ့ဂလံၭဖိၪၥံ ၪ မၩဝ့ ၫအၥိၭအ့ ၬ. ယဲးၥံ ၫဝ့ ၫဒဲကဆၫ့, ကျီၪ့ၥံ ၫဝ့ ၫ ဒဲ ခွ ံ ၬလၩ့ခွ ံ ၬဝ့ ၫ<br />

လၧထံၫကျၩ လၩ့အု ၭၥံ ၫဝ့ ၫ ဘဲၫနီၪလီၫ. ဒီၩ့ဂိၩအၦဒိၪၥံ ၪနီၪ အဆၧယၫ့ၥၭ အီၪအ့ ၬ. လၧဖျိၩ့လံၩလံၩ အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪ မၩန့ ဖိၪၥၪအီၪက့ ၪဝ့ ၫ လၧမီးဖၧၩ့<br />

ယဲးၥံ ၫဝ့ ၫလီၫ.<br />

No. 7<br />

Honoured Sir,<br />

I respectfully beg to place <strong>the</strong>se few lines before you. I am very desirous <strong>of</strong> entering <strong>the</strong> Police Department and<br />

herewith send all <strong>the</strong> certificates <strong>of</strong> character, which I have obtained. A perusal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se will show that I am<br />

careful and painstaking in all work entrusted to me, and that I bear a good character. I am at present working<br />

on <strong>the</strong> Railway and I get a salary <strong>of</strong> Rs 50 a month, but I wish to get <strong>the</strong> appointment <strong>of</strong> Head Constable on<br />

Rs 65 a month. If your Honour will be so kind as to give me <strong>the</strong> appointment I ask for, I will carry out my<br />

duties to your entire satisfaction.<br />

Your obedient servant.<br />

ဆၧယူၭယၪ့အဖၧၩ့ကဆါဧ့<br />

ယအၪ့ကံ ၩ့ လၧယကအီၪက့ ၪလၩ့ဆၧချဲၩ့ၡၩဘီၩ့ လၧနမ့ ၬယၫလီၫ. ယမိနု ၬဘၪယၥၭလၧပလံၭဖၧၩ့ နၭနၭလ့ ၬ ဒဲ ယၥိၫ့စိၩ လံၬယီၩ<br />

ကယဲယလဲၬမၬလၧအဘၪဆဲၫ့ ယတခ့ ၬပဝၭ လၧယန့ဘၪဝဲၩယူၭနီၪလီၫ. အ့ ၪနဖီ ဆၧယီၩလဖၪတၭ, အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪကဒု ၭနဲၪ လၧယမၩဆၧ လၩ့ထံးလၩ့ဆ့ ၭ<br />

ဒဲ ထံၫထံၫဆၭဆၭ ကယဲဒၪ ဆၧမၩ လၧအလၩ့ဘၪယၧၩလဖၪနီၪ ဒဲ လၧယတခ့ ၬပဝၭ ဂ့ ၩမၬလီၫ. ဘိၩ့ယီၩ ယမၩဆၧ လၧလဲၪ့မ့ ၪလခီၫ ဒဲ ယန့ဘၪ<br />

ယလံၩ့လၩကဘံ ၪ့ ၅၀ ဘၭ. လါနၫ့ ယမိန့ဘၪယၥၭလၧ ယၪဇဝိၬအလး လၩကဘံ ၪ့ ဎူၫဆံ ၫယဲဘၭ နီၪလီၫ. ကဆါအ့ ၪယၫ့ၥၭ ဘၪယၧၩ ဒဲ<br />

ဖ့ ၪလၫ့ယၧၩ အလးလၧယအၪ့ကံ ၩ့ယီၩ ယကမၩ ဆၧမၩလဖၪ လၧနၥု ၪ့မံ ၫ့ၥၭမံ ၫ့ ကိၭမံ ၩ့ဒ့ ၭလီၫ.<br />

နခ့ ၫနၡၩလၧအခိၭနၪနလူ.<br />

No. 8<br />

Before <strong>the</strong> English took this country, <strong>the</strong> Burmese Officials oppressed <strong>the</strong> <strong>Karen</strong>s very much. When <strong>the</strong> English<br />

took this country, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Karen</strong>s lived very happily. When <strong>the</strong> English went to Upper Burma to fight <strong>the</strong>re, many<br />

dacoites sprang up in Lower Burma. The <strong>Karen</strong>s <strong>the</strong>n roused <strong>the</strong>mselves and helped <strong>the</strong> English. They got guns<br />

from <strong>the</strong> Officials, and being (armed) like that, <strong>the</strong>y helped with all <strong>the</strong>ir might and caught a large number <strong>of</strong><br />

dacoits. But now <strong>the</strong> guns which <strong>the</strong>y obtained to carry, <strong>the</strong> Officials have recalled <strong>the</strong>m all.<br />

ၦခိၪလၩဘွၩၥံ လဖၪ လချုၭန့ဒံၭဘၪ ခးယီၩ ဒီၩ့ဂိၩအၦဒိၪၥံ ၪလဖၪ မၩအၧၩ့မၩနၭ ၦဖျိၩ့ၥံၪလဖၪ နၭနၭလ့ ၬလီၫ. ထီးခိၪလၩဘွၩၥံ ၪလဖၪ မၩန့ ခးယီၩ<br />

ၦဖျိၩ့ၥံ ၪ အီၪမု ၬအီၪၡူၪ နၭနၭလ့ ၬလီၫ. ထီးခိၪလၩဘွၩၥံ ၪလဖၪ လ့ ၩထၪ့ဒု ၭ ခးဒီၩ့ဂိၩထၭလခီၫအခၫ ခးဒီၩ့ဂိၩလၬလခီၫနီၪ ထမျၬၥံၪ အီၪထၪ့<br />

အၪအၪလ့ ၬလီၫ. ထီးနီၪလဖၧၫ့ ၦဖျိၩ့ၥံ ၪ ဂဲထု ၪ့ မၩဆၧၩ့ ခိၪလၩဘွၩၥံ ၪလဖၪ. အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪန့ဘၪ ကျီၩ့ၥံ ၪ လၧၦဒိၪၥံ ၪအအီၪဒဲ ဘဲၫအဖျီၪထၪ့ဝ့ ၫအၥိၭနီၪ<br />

မၩဆၧၩ့ လူၬဂဲးလူၬဘၭ ဒဲ ဖီၪ့န့ ထမျၬဖိၪၥံ ၪတဘျုၭဂၩလီၫ. အ့ ၪမွဲဘိၩ့ယီၩ ကျီၩ့ၥံ ၪ လၧအဝ့ ၫန့ဘၪဆိၬဝ့ ၫနီၪ ၦဒိၪၥံ ၪလဖၪမၩန့ထဲၩ့ ထီးအလူၬလီၫ.<br />

No. 9

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