A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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I will write that letter. ယ ကကွ ့ၭ ဆၧပရၧၫ့နီၪ လီၫ.<br />

He will arrive tomorrow. အဝ့ ၫ ကထီၩ့ ကိၭမု ဆဲၫ့ လီၫ.<br />

RULE 8. A direct question requiring 'yes' or 'no' for answer ends in ဧၪ.<br />

Will <strong>the</strong> man go? ၦၡၩ ကလ့ ၩ ဧၪ<br />

Shall I sell my horse. ယ ကဘၪ အၪ့ဆၫ ကၥ့ ၪ ဧၪ<br />

Will you buy that boat? န ကဎွ ့ၩ ချံၫနီၪ ဧၪ<br />

Do you know that man? န ၥ့ ၪယၫ ၦၡၩနီၪ ဧၪ<br />

Can you catch that dog? န ဖီၪ့န့ ထွ ံၪနီၪ ၥ့ ၪဧၪ<br />

Do you understand? န နၪၥ့ ၪ ဧၪ<br />

Are you well? န အီၪဆီၫ့ ဧၪ<br />

Is it raining? ဆၧဆၧၩ့ ဧၪ<br />

Can you read & write? န ဖီ ဒဲ န ကွ ့ၭ ၥ့ ၪ ဧၪ<br />

Will you come with me? န ကဂဲၫဎု ၬ လၧယၧၩ ဧၪ<br />

RULE 9. An indirect question requiring an answer o<strong>the</strong>r than 'yes' or 'no' ends in လဲၪ.<br />

Why did <strong>the</strong> man go? မွဲဘၪနီၪ ၦၡၩ လ့ ၩယူၭလဲၪ<br />

Why should I sell my horse? မွဲဘၪနီၪ ယ ကဘၪ အၪ့ဆၫ ယကၥ့ ၪလဲၪ.<br />

Why have you bought that boat? မွဲဘၪနီၪ န ဎွ ့ၩယူၭ ချံၫနီၪ လဲၪ.<br />

What is your name? နမံ ၩ့ ဘဲၫၥ့ ၪလဲၪ.<br />

What are you doing? နမၩ မနီၪလဲၪ.<br />

Where is your house? နဂံ ၪ့ အီၪတခီၫလဲၪ.<br />

When did you come? နဂဲၫဆံ ၭယံ ၬယူၭလဲၪ.<br />

When will you go? န ကလ့ ၩ ဆံ ၭယံ ၬလဲၪ.<br />

How do you know? န ၥ့ ၪယၫ ဘဲၫၥ့ ၪလဲၪ.<br />

Where is my boat? ယ ခိၪလူၬ အီၪတခီၫလဲၪ.<br />

How much did you give? န ဘၪ ဖ့ ၪလၫ့ ဆံ ၭအၪလဲၪ.<br />

What is <strong>the</strong> time? အဆၧၫ့အထီ ဘဲၫၥ့ ၪလဲၪ.<br />

How many miles can you walk? န ဂၭဖၭနၧၩ့ ဎွ ့မံ ၫလၬ လဲၪ.<br />

How deep is <strong>the</strong> water? ထံၫ ယိၬ ဆံ ၭအၪလဲၪ.<br />

RULE 10. The plural is formed by affixing ၥံ ၪ or လဖၪ, or both combined, ၥံ ၪလဖၪ, to <strong>the</strong> noun or pronoun.<br />

House ယံ ၪ့ Houses ယံ ၪ့ၥံ ၪ/ယံ ၪ့လဖၪ/ယံ ၪ့ၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Horse ကၥ့ ၪ Horses ကၥ့ ၪၥံ ၪ/ကၥ့ ၪလဖၪ/ကၥ့ ၪၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Tree ၥံ ၪ့ Trees ၥံ ၪ့ၥံ ၪ/ၥံ ၪ့လဖၪ/ၥံ ၪ့ၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Boat ချံၫ Boats ချံၫၥံ ၪ/ချံၫလဖၪ/ချံၫၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Cart လဲၪ့ Carts လဲၪ့ၥံ ၪ/လံၪ့လဖၪ/လံၪ့ၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Steamer ကဘၩ့မ့ ၪ Steamers ကဘၩ့မ့ ၪၥံ ၪ/ကဘၩ့မ့ ၪလဖၪ/ကဘၩ့မ့ ၪၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Man ၦၡၩ Men ၦၡၩၥံ ၪ/ၦၡၩလဖၪ/ၦၡၩၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Boy ဖိၪၥၪခွၫ Boys ဖိၪၥၪခွၫၥံ ၪ/ဖိၪၥၪခွၫလဖၪ/ဖိၪၥၪခွၫၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Girl ဖိၪၥၪမု ၪ Girls ဖိၪၥၪမု ၪၥံ ၪ/ဖိၪၥၪမု ၪလဖၪ/ဖိၪၥၪမု ၪၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

Dog ထွ ံၪ Dogs ထွ ံၪၥံ ၪ/ထွ ံၪလဖၪ/ထွ ံၪၥံ ၪလဖၪ<br />

RULE 11. The possessive case is formed by prefixing <strong>the</strong> letter အ to <strong>the</strong> object possessed.<br />

The man's house ၦၡၩအယံ ၪ့<br />

The woman's dog ၦမု ၪအထွ ံၪ<br />

The child's cat ဖိၪၥၪအမံ ၫယီၩ<br />

The dacoit's sword ထမျၬအနၭ

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