A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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577. Give him a bunch <strong>of</strong> plantains, he is very hungry.<br />

ဖ့ ၪလၫ့ အဝ့ ၫ ၥၭကျုၩၥၪ နးဎံ ၫဆံ ၭ အဝ့ ၫၥၭဝံ အၥၭ နၭနၭလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

578. You are too late; come a little earlier.<br />

န ယံ ၬနးလၨၪ ဂဲၫအ့ ၪဆိၫ ကဆံၭဆံၭ.<br />

579. If you come with me I will show you Maung Po's house.<br />

အ့ ၪနဂဲၫဎု ၬယၧၩတၭ, ယကဒု ၭနဲၪနၧၩ မီၪ့ဖိအယံ ၪ့လီၫ.<br />

580. Tell that man not to come before me while he is chewing betel-leaf and nut.<br />

လီၩဘၪၦလဂၩနီၪ အ့ ၪအဝ့ ၫအၪ့မိၩ ဖု လၪဒဲၥ့ ၭၥၪ အဘိၩ့ဘၭ အဝ့ ၫဂဲၫဘၪ လၧယမ့ ၬယၫ အ့ ၬ.<br />

(71)<br />

581. Do you smoke a cigar or a pipe?<br />

နအီၩၥံ ၪမိၭဧၪ. လမွဲဘၪ ၥံ ၪမိၭခီၫ့ဧၪ.<br />

582. You must not chew betel & tobacco.<br />

နဘၪအၪ့မိၩ ဖု လၪ ဒဲ ၥံ ၪအ့ ၬ.<br />

583. His teeth are broken.<br />

အဝ့ ၫ အၥွၫလဖၪနီၪ ခါလီၫ. အဝ့ ၫအၥွၫလဖၪနီၪ ဖိၬလီၫ.<br />

584. What God do you worship?<br />

နဘၩကၠဲၭလၫလဲၪ.<br />

585. Do you like to hear singing?<br />

န မိ နါဂၧၫ့ ဘၪနၥၭ ဆၧၥၭအွ ံ ၪဧၪ. န အဲၪဒိၭ ခိၭနၪ ဆၧၥၭအွ ံ ၪဧၪ.<br />

586. Take <strong>of</strong>f yoru _gaungbaung_.<br />

ကွဲၪလၩ့ခွ ံ ၬ နခိၪဖၧၫ့ ဆံ ၭ.<br />

587. Are you thirsty for tea?<br />

နၥၭဝံဘၪနၥၭ လၧလၪဖၭထံၫယူၭဧၪ.<br />

588. O my servant! Bring me some hot & some cold water.<br />

အိၩ! ယဎီးဧ့ , ဂဲၫဆိၬအ့ ၪယၧၩ ထံၫချၪ့ ဒဲ ထံၫချံၫ့ ကနၩ့နၩ့ဆံ ၭ.<br />

589. The water is hot bring me some ice.<br />

ထံၫခိလီၫ, ဂဲၫဆိၬအ့ ၪယၧၩ ထံၫလိးဆံၭ.<br />

590. I have got a cold so I cannot go out.<br />

ယဘၪဆၧဘၪအၭအကၠ ီၩ့ ယလ့ ၩထၪ့ လၧခီၫ့ၥ့ ၪအ့ ၬ.<br />

591. They put milk and sugar in <strong>the</strong> tea.<br />

အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪ ဒု ၭနု ၬ ဆၧနူထံၫ ဒဲ ထံၫလၪဆၧၫ့ လၧလၪဖၭ.<br />

592. They drink jaggery with <strong>the</strong>ir tea.<br />

အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪ အီၩအလၪဖၪထံ ၫ ဒဲ နၪ့ကအွ ံ ၪလီၫ.<br />

593. Can you buy sugar-cane in <strong>the</strong> bazaar? If so, what is <strong>the</strong> price?<br />

ဆံ ၫဖိၭ လၧဖၠၫဖၧၩ့နီၪ ဘၪနဎွ ့ၩန့ကၥ့ ၪဧၪ, အ့ ၪမွဲတၭ အဎွ ့ၩဆံ ၭအၪလဲၪ.<br />

594. He beat <strong>the</strong> boys with a cane.<br />

အဝ့ ၫ ဒိၪ ဖိၪၥၪခွၫၥံ ၪလဖၪ လၧဂ့ ဖျိၪ့လီၫ.<br />

595. Did you see in <strong>the</strong> papers that Government school boys must "shiko"?<br />

လၧဆၧပရၧၫ့ဖၧၩ့ နဒၪဘၪၦဒိၪအဆၧမၩလိၪဖိၪၥံ ၪလဖၪ ကဘၪဘၩ ဆၧနီၪဧၪ.<br />

596. Why do <strong>the</strong>y object? 'Shikoing' is a Burmese custom; school boys should always shew respect to <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

teachers, and Burmans shew respect by 'shikoing'.<br />

မွဲဘၪနီၪ အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪ ထိးအ့ ၬလဲၪ. ဆၧဘၩနီၪ မွဲ ဒီၩ့ဂိၩ အထူၫအရူ ၫကမံ ၩ့ လီၫ, ဆၧမၩလိၪဖိၪၥံ ၪ ကကၨၭ ဒု ၭနဲၪ ဆၧယူၭယၪ့ လၧဆရၫၥံ ၪ ဒဲ<br />

ဒီၩ့ဂိၩဖိၪၥံ ၪ ဒု ၭနဲၪ ဆၧယူၭယၪ့ လၧဆၧဘၩအကၠ ီၩ့လီၫ.<br />

(72)<br />

597. Every boy who does not go to school should be whipped.<br />

ဆၧမၩလိၪဖိၪၥံ ၪ လၧအလလ့ ၩဘၪ လၧကၠ ီၩ့နီၪ ကကၨၭဘၪဒိၪ ကိၭဂၩဒ့ ၭလီၫ.<br />

598. Go and live in a distant place.<br />

လ့ ၩအီၪဝဲၩ လၧအလးယဲၩ့ယဲၩ့လါဆံ ၭ.

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