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3. <strong>The</strong> Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 111<br />

original-draft-revised theory. In considering this chapter we have to<br />

bear in mind that:<br />

1. <strong>The</strong> majority of commentators believe vv. 8-10 to be an<br />

addition to the original text. 1<br />

2. many scholars believe that this fourth vision is an addition to<br />

an original series of seven. 2<br />

<strong>The</strong> word ntn may be omitted from consideration, since the uses<br />

('And he caused me to see' and 'See!') are very different and quite far<br />

apart.<br />

It is noticeable that riKas mir occurs only at the end of vv. 1-7, and<br />

(with DKJ) in vv. 9-10, that is at the climax of this whole section. All<br />

the other words can be seen to have a specific function in the<br />

construction of these verses.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first notable repeated words are 'Joshua the high priest' (l.##3-<br />

5, 8.##3-5). 'Joshua' alone occurs in vv. 3, 6 and 9. In v. 8 the<br />

expression introduces a new section and so only rounds off the first<br />

section indirectly. However, with Joshua the high priest are included<br />

'your companions who dwell before you, who are men of naio (sign,<br />

wonder, "good omen"?)'. 3 Some correspondence with nnan (9.#12)<br />

1. Petitjean, as usual, gives a full discussion (Les oracles, pp. 161-206). He<br />

believes that J.W. Rothstein (Die Nachtgesichte des Sacharja [Leipzig: Hinrichs,<br />

1910], pp. 87-89) showed that vv. 1-7 were originally an independent pericope,<br />

before they were introduced into their present context. Scholars supporting this theory<br />

include Sellin, Elliger, Rignell, Eichrodt, Eissfeldt, Rudolph (who also regards<br />

vv. 8b and 10 as secondary to vv. 8-10; Haggai,pp. 98-103). Mitchell (following<br />

Marti) treats vv. 6-10 together but regards v. 8b as a gloss (Haggai, Zechariah,<br />

Malachi and Jonah, pp. 154-56). Peterson calls vv. 6-10 '<strong>The</strong> Responses' (Haggai<br />

and Zechariah, p. 202), regards v. 8 as intrusive and designed to support<br />

Zerubbabel against Joshua (pp. 208-14). Beuken holds a novel view: 1-5 + 8-10 are<br />

a literary unity, into which vv. 6-7 have been inserted (Haggai-Sacharja, pp. 282-<br />

303). This is connected with his view that Zechariah comes from a 'Chronistic milieu'.<br />

2. E.g. Horst, Elliger, Chary, C. Jeremias. Many recognize that it forms a unity<br />

with the fifth vision. E.g. Beuken (see note above), Amsler (Agee, Zacharie,<br />

Malachi, p. 58).<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> word means 'wonder, sign, portent' (BOB, p. 68), here signifying a 'sign or<br />

token of a future event'presumably the coming of 'my servant, nni!', cf. Isa. 8.18.<br />

Joshua's companions are almost certainly also priests (cf., e.g., Amsler, Agee,<br />

Zacharie, Malachi, p. 83, Mitchell, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Jonah,<br />

pp. 147, 155-56).

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