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3. <strong>The</strong> Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 113<br />

may be intended here. In any case note that the chapter is divided into<br />

two very logical subsections by these marker words:<br />

1-7 And he showed me Joshua the high priest. ..<br />

8a Hear now Joshua the high priest<br />

You and your companions who sit before me. ..<br />

. .. they are men of nsin<br />

8b-10 . .. they will call, a man to his companion, under vine and under fig<br />

tree.<br />

This gives preliminary support to the division recognized by most<br />

scholars, as noted above. It would be possible to divide the chapter<br />

into vv. 1-5 (about Joshua) and vv. 6-10 (to Joshua) as Keil does. 1<br />

Structural, as well as form-critical considerations suggest that the<br />

primary division in the final writer's mind was vv. 1-7, 8-10. This is<br />

not to deny further subdivisions or the new element in v. 6.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re seems to be some significance in the use of the expressions<br />

rjQ 1 ? and IDJJ:<br />

la Joshua was standing before the angel of Yahweh<br />

1 b the opposer/accuser was standing at his right hand to oppose/accuse him<br />

3b Joshua (in dirty garments) was standing before the angel<br />

This forms a self-contained section on its own through the three word<br />

inclusio. <strong>The</strong> last phrase is unnecessary to the sense, and the editors of<br />

BHS want to delete it. 2 <strong>The</strong>y have certainly noted the phrase as a mark<br />

of some sort.<br />

In vv. 4-7 we have the following situation:<br />

4a And he (the angel) said to those who were standing before him<br />

(Joshua)<br />

(Joshua has his clothes changed)<br />

1. See, e.g., Meyers, Haggai, Zechariah, pp. 178-79, 222-24 (vv. 8-10 are a<br />

'Supplementary Oracle'); Rudolph, Haggai, pp. 93-94, 99-100 ('ein weiteres<br />

Heilswort').<br />

2. This is of course characteristic of their approach: what Muilenburg might have<br />

called 'form criticism and not beyond'. BHS wants to delete (or at least note as<br />

'prb add') several other phrases that we have thought to be significant, notably 'and<br />

you shall know that Yahweh of hosts has sent me' in 2.13, 15; 4.9 and<br />

6.15;. . .D'arom in 10.11 (from 9.4 mistakenly); -IDK mrr -]*ba\ in 3.3, 5; itfni<br />

-QKQ is regarded as a gloss in 9.8.

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