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124 Structure and the Book ofZechariah<br />

coherence about it. <strong>The</strong> general principle, 'Not by might.. .but by my<br />

Spirit' sets the context in which the rest is read, and is reflected in the<br />

cries of 'Grace, grace, to it', and in the rather low-key evidence of<br />

Yahweh's presence, the foundation and completion of the Temple. 1<br />

Zechariah 4 as a whole<br />

We may now put forward a possible explanation of the text of<br />

Zechariah 4 as we now have it. We shall need also to refer to ch. 3.<br />

Certain facts may be stated with confidence.<br />

Zechariah 3 is different from the other visions. It is thought by<br />

most commentators to be later than the basic material of Zechariah 1-<br />

8. It introduces a historical individual, Joshua the high priest.<br />

<strong>The</strong> outer sections of Zechariah 4 present two individuals. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

can naturally be understood to be Joshua and Zerubbabel, who are<br />

mentioned in the book of Zechariah only rarely:<br />

Joshua 3.1-10; 6.9-15<br />

nnx (3.8) (6.12)<br />

Zerubbabel 4.6ap-10acc.<br />

Without these passages the identification would be obscure. This raises<br />

the question when the oracle about Zerubbabel was inserted into the<br />

narrative. Most commentators have assumed it to be one of the latest<br />

additions to the text, and we have found some evidence to support this,<br />

in that it does not seem to be constructed or inserted with quite so<br />

much care as the sections previously examined. This is, however, little<br />

more than an impression. Beuken is unique in regarding the original<br />

oracle as 4.1, 2a, 2b-3, 4, 5, 6a + lOb, 6a-7 2 From our point of view<br />

this is not of primary importance.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se two chapters of Zechariah contain the two central visions of<br />

the series. <strong>The</strong> position seems to be significant, as does the mention of<br />

Joshua and nn^ in 6.9-15, at the very end of the series of visions.<br />

1. It is interesting that the word for 'finish' is from the root SX3 which means to<br />

'cut, break off, gain by violence'; the meaning 'finish' occurs otherwise only in<br />

Isa. 10.12; Lam. 2.17. This may or may not be significant: the violence that<br />

Zerubbabel will commit will be to finish the Temple. I should not put any weight on<br />

this conjecture.<br />

2. Beuken, Haggai-Sacharja, pp. 258-70, esp. 263-64. This is largely based on<br />

a form-critical comparison of ch. 4 and 5.1-4.

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