Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Now wc shall discourse on the Nidanam of Udara<br />

(dropsy with an abnormal condition of the abdomen), i.<br />

IVIctrical Text : —The royal sage Dhanvan-<br />

tari, the foremost of all pious men who equalled<br />

in splendour and glory the lord of the celestials, thus<br />

blissfully discoursed on the Nidanam of Udara to<br />

Sus'ruta, the son of the holy Vis'vamitra, who devoutly<br />

approached him for that purpose. 2.<br />

Classification : —This disease may be divided<br />

into eight different types, of which four are produced<br />

by the several actions of the three deranged Doshas of<br />

the body and their concerted action as well. Of the re-<br />

maining types, two being known as Plihodara (including<br />

Yakritodara), and Vaddha-Gudodara (tympanites due to<br />

the constriction of the anus), the seventh Agantuka<br />

(traumatic or of extraneous origin), and the eighth<br />

Dakodara (Ascites proper). 3.<br />

Predisposing Causes :—The deranged<br />

Doshas of a person of extremely impaired digestion,<br />

addicted to the habit of taking unwholesome food, or<br />

of eating dry, putrid food, or of violating the rules of<br />

conduct to be observed in connection with oleaginous<br />

measures etc.,* are aggravated and find lodgment in the<br />

abdomen. Thus appearing in the shape of an abdomi-<br />

nal tumour (Gulma), they give rise to this dreadful disease,<br />

attended with all its characteristic symptoms. The lymph<br />

chyle formed out of the assimilated food gets vitiated,<br />

•and, impelled by the aggravated Vayu, it percolates<br />

* These include purgative, emitic, A'stha'panam and Anuva'sanatu<br />


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