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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Ingudi, Apdmdr^a, Danti, Sarald and Deva-ddru<br />

should be pasted together and made into Vartis (sticks),<br />

well flavoured by the addition of perfuming drugs.<br />

Twice every day (once in the morning and again in the<br />

evening), should the patient be made to inhale the<br />

fumes of these burning Vartis (sticks) which have the<br />

property of subduing the (deranged) Kapha, and<br />

should be made to take the soup of Mudga boiled in<br />

alkaline water.* In cases of Tundikeri, Adhrusha,<br />

Kurma, Mamsa samgh^ta and Tailu pupputa, the pre-<br />

ceding measures should be adopted, but the surgical<br />

operation should vary with the nature of the particular<br />

disease under treatment. 33-34.<br />

Treatment of Talu-paka, etc. :—<br />

Remedies which destroy the deranged Pitta should be<br />

employed in Taklu-paika (suppuration of the palate)<br />

while applications of Sneha (oil, etc.) and Sveda<br />

(fomentations),as wellas V^yu-subduing measures should<br />

be the remedies in a case of a Talu-Sopha (swelling<br />

of the palate). The remedies to be employed in the<br />

diseases affecting the palate have been thus described<br />

above. Now hear me discourse on the remedial<br />

measures in Kantha-Roga (diseases of the throat).<br />

35-36.<br />

Treatment of Throat-diseases :- In<br />

a curable type of Rohini, blood letting and the<br />

applications of emetics, gurgles, inhalations (of medi-<br />

cated fumes) and errhines (Nasya) are efficacious.<br />

In cases of Vj^taja Rohini, blood letting should<br />

be first effected, and the affected part should then be<br />

* The alkaline water to be used in the Mudga-soup should be pre-<br />

pared from Yava-kshdra according to Dallana. But according to S iva-<br />

dasa, alkaline water prepared from the ashes of Mushkaka, Apamarga,<br />

etc., should be used.<br />


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