Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Now we shall discourse on the (surgical and medical)<br />

treatment of the cases of difficult malpresentation of the<br />

foetus and of difficult labour (Mudha-Garbha\ i.<br />

The extraction of a foetus, acting i^in the womb) as<br />

an obstructing Salya (foreign matter lodged in the body),<br />

is the most difficult of all surgical operations, inasmuch<br />

as actual contact or actual manipulation is the only<br />

means accessible to a surgeon in the region of the pelvic<br />

cavity, the spleen, the liver, the intestines and the<br />

uterus. All surgical acts in respect of the foetus or the<br />

enceinte, such as lifting up, drawing down, changing of<br />

postures (version), excision, incision, the cutting oflimbs<br />

and section, pressure, the straightening and the perforat-<br />

ing of the abdomen, could not be done othenvise than by<br />

actual contact of the hand, which may sometimes<br />

prove fatal to the foetus or to the enciente. Hence the<br />

king should be first informed (as success in these cases<br />

is often uncertain) and all acts should be performed<br />

with the greatest care and coolness.<br />

We have stated before that the foetus is generally<br />

presented in cases of difficult labour in eight different<br />

postures or forms. The obstruction of the child in the<br />

passage of parturition (Garbha-Sanga) may be effected<br />

in three different ways, owing to its head, shoulders or<br />

hips being presented in a wrong way and held fast in<br />

the passage. Every care should be taken and no pains<br />

spared to bring a child alive into the world, which is not<br />

already dead in the womb. The sacred verses (Mantras),<br />

possessing of the virtue of bringing out the foetus, should<br />

be recited in the hearing of the enciente in the case of a

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