Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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the Drava-Svcda, however, is beneficial in cases due to<br />

the concerted action of the deranged Pitta with either<br />

of the other two Doshas {viz., Vayu and Kapha). lo-A.<br />

The patient should be diaphorised by making him<br />

put on warm clothing or exposing himself to the sun<br />

or by becoming fatigued after a long walk, or by<br />

wrestling, or some other physical exercise, load-carrying,<br />

etc., or by arousing his anger in a case where the<br />

deranged Vayu would be found to be subcharged with<br />

the deranged fat or Kapha. lo.<br />

Memorable Verses :—The four forms of<br />

Sveda mentioned above may be employed in two<br />

ways, viz. :—either to the whole body or to any<br />

particular part of it. Sveda should be first employed<br />

in cases of patients fit to be treated with errhines<br />

(Nasya\ purgatives, emetics or with Vasti-measures.<br />

It should b3 applied to the cnciente in cases of<br />

obstructed foetus (Mudha-garbha) unattended with any<br />

other supervening distresses {ie., excessive discharge<br />

of blood, etc.) after the extraction of the S'alya (the<br />

obstructed foetus) from the womb, and after parturi-<br />

tion, and in cases where pregnancy runs to its full and<br />

natural term. Sveda should similarly be applied both<br />

before and after the surgical operation in cases of<br />

fistula-in-ano and stones, gravel, etc., (in the bladder)<br />

and of haemorrhoids. Specific modes of applying<br />

Sveda in other diseases should be duly described under<br />

their respective heads, ii.<br />

Men conversant with the rules of Sveda (fomenta-<br />

tions, etc."*! should, under no circumstances, employ it<br />

before rubbing or softening the body or the limb with a<br />

Sneha (oil, etc.) inasmuch as a piece of wood is found<br />

to break or burst immediately under the application of<br />

heat if not previously rubbed with a Sneha. 12— A.

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