Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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2l8 THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA. [Chap. X.<br />

Madana fruit, honey and clarified butter. After that<br />

she should have an Anuvdsana (enema) made up of<br />

oil prepared with milk and decoction of the drugs<br />

known as the Madhurddi-gana. This restores the Vayu<br />

to its normal course and condition, which brings on<br />

an easy and natural parturition unattended with any<br />

puerperal disorders. Henceforth up to the time of<br />

delivery the enciente should have liquid food (Yavagu)<br />

made up of emollient substances (fatsy and soup of the<br />

flesh of Jangala animals (deer, etc.). If treated on these<br />

lines the enciente remains healthy and strong, and<br />

parturition becomes easy and unattended with evils.<br />

An enciente should be made to enter the lying-in<br />

chamber in the ninth month of her pregnancy and<br />

under the auspices of happy stars and propitious<br />

lunar conditions. The chamber of confinement (Sutika-<br />

o-riha) in respect of a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vais'ya and<br />

Sudra mother should be raised on grounds respectively<br />

possessed of white, red, yellov/ and black soils, and<br />

made of Vilva, Vata, Tinduka and Bhallataka wood.<br />

Couches should be made of these woods respectively<br />

in cases of the different social orders. The walls of<br />

the room should be well-plastered and the furniture<br />

(necessary accessories) should be placed tidy in their<br />

proper places. The door of a lying-in chamber should<br />

be made to face the south or the east, and the inner<br />

dimensions of the room should be eight cubits in length<br />

and four in breadth. Religious rites for warding off<br />

the visitation of evil spirits and malignant stars should<br />

be undertaken at (the door of) the room. 3.<br />

Signs of imminent parturition—(M-<br />

T.) :— A looseness of the sides of the abdomen and<br />

untying of the umbilical cord of the child (from the<br />

cardiac cord of its mother) and a perception of the

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