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Chap. XXVI.] CHIKITSA STHANAM. 513<br />

milk should be taken. This compound would make even<br />

an old man of eighty sexually as vigorous as ayouth. 7-8<br />

The testes of a he-goat or of a porpoise mixed with<br />

salt and po^vdered long-pepper, and fried in clarified<br />

butter should be taken for speedy and effective<br />

aphrodisiac purposes. The eggs of a tortoise, of an<br />

alligator, or of a crab,* or the semcn-f of a male<br />

buffalo, of a he-ass, or of a he-goat should be similarly<br />

taken for the same purpose. 9.<br />

Milk boiled and cooked witii the sprouts, bark,<br />

roots and fruit of an As'vattha tree, should be sweeten-<br />

ed with sugar and honey, and taken ; this enables a<br />

man to enjoy sexual pleasures like a sparrow. The<br />

powdered bulbs of Viddri, weighing an Udicmbara (one<br />

Told) in measure, and taken with milk and clarified<br />

butter,^ would make an old man young again A<br />

Pala measure of the pulverised Mdsha pulse, mixed<br />

with honey and clarified butter should be licked and<br />

a potion of milk should then be taken ; this would<br />

make a man sexually as strong as a horse. Wheat and<br />

Atma guptd seeds should be boiled in milk, and taken,<br />

when cold, with clarified butter, and a potion of milk<br />

should then bs taken for the same purpose. 10-13.<br />

Clarified butter should be boiled with eggs or<br />

the testes (as the case might be) of alligators, mice, frogs<br />

and sparrows. By lubricating the soles of the feet<br />

with this Ghrita, a man would be able to visit a woman<br />

with undiminished vigour so long as he would not touch<br />

the ground with his feet. 14.<br />

* Some explain '-^^^1^'' as house-sparrows.<br />

t Here semen would mean the testes, the receptacle of the semen.<br />

+ Some read *'3|%«t" (boiled) in place of •'§?(?{". In that case the<br />

boiled milk only should be taken and no clarified butler should be<br />

added thereto.<br />


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