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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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6<br />

Chap. I.] NIDAXA STIIAX.nr. 3<br />

tends to maintain uniform state in the metabolism of<br />

the body, (protoplasmic, Agni*) and helps the organs<br />

of sense-perception in discharging their specific functions.<br />

The bodily Vayu, like the Pittam in the organism, is<br />

grouped under five different subheads according to the<br />

difference in its functions and locations, and is classified<br />

as the Prana, Udana. Samana, V}-ana and Apana.-j*<br />

These five classes of Va\-u, located in their specific<br />

regions, contribute towards the integration and maintenance<br />

of the bod}'. 4—<br />

The Prana Vayu :—The Va}-u. that courses in<br />

(governs)the cavity of the mouth. ^ is called the Prana. its<br />

function being to force down the food into the cavity of<br />

the stomach, and to assist the different vitalising principles<br />

of the bod}- (such as the internal heat or fire etc ) in dis-<br />

charging their functions in life, and to contribute to the<br />

general sustenance of the body. A deranged condition of<br />

this particular kind of Vayu (Prana) is usually followed<br />

by hic-cough,d}'spncca and other kindred distempers. 7.<br />

The Udana Vayu : —The most important of the<br />

vital Va}'us, which courses (sends its vibrations) upward,<br />

is called the Udana. It produces speech, song, etc. In<br />

its deranged state it brings on diseases which are speci-<br />

fically confined to regions lying above the clavicles. 8,<br />

The Samana Vayu :—The Samana Vayu<br />

courses in (governs) the stomach (Amashaya) and in the<br />

* See Inlroduction Vol. I. p.p. XLVIII—XLIX Mahamahopadhyaya<br />

Dvatka Natha Kaviratna interprets this Agni as digestive heat {Jalhardoni).<br />

t The Prana Vayu is identical with the energy of the nerve centre<br />

in the medulla ; the Udana vilh that of the one which is situated in the<br />

speech centre. The Samana is same as the energy of the epigastric<br />

plexus, the Udar.a is same as the energy of the Motor-Sensory Nerves, and<br />

the Apana is iden'.ical with the force of the Hypogastric ple.xus.<br />

% The field of its ac'ion includes the regions of the heart, throat, head<br />

and the nose.

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