Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chap. X.] SARIRA STHANAM, 235<br />

Payasyd ; or with As'matitaka, Satdvari and Payasyd ;<br />

or with the drugs of the group of Viddrigandhddi Gana ;<br />

or with Vrihati, Kantakdri, Utpala, S'atdvari, Sdrivd,<br />

Payasyd and Madhuka (Yashtimadhu). These remedies<br />

speedily applied tend to alleviate the pain and make the<br />

foetus steady in the womb. 48.<br />

After the fcetus has been steadied by the aforesaid<br />

mesaures, a diet consisting of (boiled rice and) cow's<br />

milk, boiled with the dried tender fruits of Udiimvara^<br />

should be prescribed for the patient. In the event of<br />

miscarriage, the patient should be made to drink a<br />

Yavagu (gruel) of the Udddlaka rice, &c., cooked with<br />

the decoction of the Pachaniya group (Pippalyadi) and<br />

devoid of all saline and fatty matter, for a number of<br />

days corresponding to that of the month of gestation.<br />

Old treacle mixed with the powdered drugs of the<br />

Dipaniya group (Pancha-kola), or simply some Arishta<br />

(Abhaydrishta, etc.), should be given, in the event<br />

of there being pain in the pelvis, bladder and<br />

abdomen. 49.<br />

The internal ducts and channels (Srotas) stuffed with<br />

aggravated Vayu lead to the weakening (Laya) of the<br />

fcetus and, if the state continues, it leads even to its<br />

death. Hence the case should be treated with mild<br />

anointing measures, etc., (Sneha-karma, etc ,) and gruels<br />

made of the flesh of the birds of the Utkros'a species and<br />

mixed with a sufficient quantity of clarified butter, should<br />

be given to her. As an alternative, Kulmasha * boiled<br />

with Masha, sesamum and pieces of dried (tender)<br />

Vilva fruit should be given her, after which she should<br />

be made to drink, for a week, honey and Maddhvika (a<br />

kind of weak wine). At the non-delivery of the child<br />

• ''Kulmdsha" may mean either Kulattha pulse or half boiled wheat,<br />

barley, etc.

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