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Chap. VIII.] KALPA STHANAM. 759<br />

Other group whose bites are generally incurable) have;<br />

also been described above, as being sometimes found<br />

amenable to medicine (with the greatest difficulty).<br />

Now hear me describe (the symptoms and the treatment<br />

of the bites of) the remaining six species which<br />

are incurable. 6^. A.<br />

Specific Symptoms of the incurable<br />

cases of Spider- bites : — A bite by a spider of<br />

the Sauvarnika species is marked by swelling and a<br />

frothy secretion and a fishy smell from the seat of the<br />

bite, and is followed by cough, difficult breathing, fever,<br />

thirst and violent fainting fits. A bite by a Laja-varnai<br />

spider is marked by a flow of flesh-smelling and fetid<br />

blood from its seat as well as by a burning sensation,<br />

dysentery, fainting fits and pain in the head. A c?se of<br />

bite by a spider of the Jadini species is very severe and<br />

is marked by a cracking of the seat of the bite which<br />

is striped with lines as well as by numbness, difficult<br />

breathing, parchedness of the palate and continued<br />

dizziness of the head. The bite by an Eni-padi spider<br />

resembles the seeds of black sesamum in shape and is<br />

marked by thirst, fever, fainting fits, vomiting, cough<br />

and difficult breathing. A bite by a Ka^kandakai<br />

spider is marked by an excruciating pain and a<br />

reddish-yellow colour at its seat. A bite by a Maila'-<br />

gunai spider is characterised by a cracking of the<br />

seat of the bite in several parts and is marked by a<br />

red colour, smoky smell, extreme pain, fever and<br />

epileptic fits. 63.<br />

Treatment of the incurable cases of spider-bites<br />

should, however, be taken in hand by a wise physician<br />

with a due consideration of the aggravated Dosha or<br />

Doshas in each case with the exception of making<br />

incisions (chheda-karma). 64- A.

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