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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chap. X.] NIDANA STHANAM. 69<br />

The Nadi-Vrana :—The pus of an abscess or<br />

swelling burrows into the affected part if a person<br />

neglects it in its fully suppurated stage, dubious of its<br />

being so conditioned, or not, or even neglects to open a<br />

fully suppurated abscess. An abscess or swelling is<br />

called a Gati Vrana owing to an excessive infiltration<br />

of pus, and it is also called a Kadi-vrana owing to the<br />

presence of a large number of recesses or cavities in<br />

its inside There arc five different types of Nddi-vrana<br />

(sinuses) such as the Vataja, Pittaja Kaphaja, Tridoshaja<br />

and Sah'aja. 9—10.<br />

The Vataja, Kaphaja and Pittaja<br />

Types:—The Vataja Siiius is rough and shortmouthed,<br />

characterised by an aching pain (in its inside)<br />

It exudes a sort of frothy secretion which becomes<br />

greater at night and is attended with an aching pain.<br />

Thirst, lassitude, heat and a piercing pain(in the affected<br />

locality) arc the usual accompaniments of the Pittaja<br />

types. Fever is present from the beginning and the Sinus<br />

exudes a large quantity of hot and yellow coloured<br />

secretion which is more by day than by night. The<br />

Kaphaja Sinus becomes hard and is characterised by<br />

itching and a slight pain (numbed ?). It is found to<br />

secrete a copious quantit>' of thick, shiny, white-coloured<br />

pus which becomes greater at night, it -13.<br />

Dvandaja and Tridoshaja Types : —<br />

A case of Nadi-Vrana involving the concerted action<br />

of any two of the deranged Doshas (Vayu, Pittam<br />

and Kapham) and exhibiting symptoms peculiar to<br />

both, is called a Dvandaja* one. There are three<br />

• Gayadasa docs nol read the symploms of Dvi-doshaja {i.e., due<br />

10 iwo morbific principles) types of sinus a g vtn in the text which<br />

he has rejected as spurious

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