Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Semen is developed in the four types of Kliva<br />

known as Asekya, Sougandhika, Kumbhika and Irshaka,<br />

whereas a Shanda is devoid of that fluid (Sukra).<br />

The semen carrying ducts of an Asekya etc. are ex-<br />

panded by the drinking of the semen as above described<br />

which helps the erection of his reproductive organ. 44-45<br />

The conduct and character of a child and its incli-<br />

nation to particular dietary are determined by those of<br />

its parents during the act of fecundation. A boneless<br />

(/. e. with cartilaginous bones) monstrosity is the<br />

outcome of the sexual act in which both the parties are<br />

female and their Sukra (sexual secretion) unite some<br />

how or other in the womb of one of them. Fecundation<br />

may take place in the womb of a woman, dreaming of<br />

sexual intercourse in the night of her menstrual ablution.<br />

The local Vayu carries the dislodged ovum into the uterus<br />

and exhibits symptoms of pregnancy, which develop<br />

month after month till the full period of gestation. The<br />

offspring of such a conception is a Kalala (a thin bone-<br />

less jelly-like mass) on account of the absence of the<br />

paternal elements* in its development. Such monstro-<br />

sities as serpents, scorpions, or gourd shaped fcetus<br />

delivered from the womb of a woman should be ascribed<br />

as the effects of deadly sins. 46-49.<br />

The child of a mother whose wishes are not honoured<br />

and gratified during pregnancy stands in danger of being<br />

born palmless, hunchbacked, lame, dumb or nasal<br />

voiced through the deranged condition of the Vayu of<br />

its mother's body. The malformation of a child in the<br />

womb; should be ascribed to the atheism of its parents,<br />

or to the effects of their misdeeds in a prior existence, or<br />

* Hair, beard, nails, leeth, arteries, veins, ligaments and semen are<br />

called paternal elements inasmuch as these are said to be inherited by<br />

the child irom its father

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