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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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('llAPTiHJ II.<br />

Now wc sliall discourse on the Nidanam of<br />

Ars'aS (Hiemorrhoids'. i.<br />

ll.einorrhoids may be divided into six classes vi:: :—<br />

(i) Vdtnjii (due to the action of the deranged Vayu\<br />

(ii) Pittiijn (flue to the action of deranged Pittam), (iii)<br />

Kaphaja (due to the action of deranged Kapham), (iv)<br />

Raktaja (due to the action of the vitiated blood), (v)<br />

Sannipdtaja (due to the concerted action of the deranged<br />

Vayu, I'ittani and Kai)hami and (vi) Sahaja (congenital).<br />

Pathology : —The deranged Vayu, Pittam, etc.<br />

enraged by their specific aggravating causes, or by such<br />

acts or conduct as partaking of food composed cjf in-<br />

compatible substances, eating before the previous meal<br />

has been digested, inordinate sexual intercourse, sitting on<br />

the haunches, excessive riding, and the voluntary suppres-<br />

sion of any natural urging of the body, cither severally<br />

or in combination of two or three Doshas, or vitiating<br />

the blood of a person, who observes no moderation in<br />

food and drink &c., become dislodged from their natural<br />

seats in the body [according to the law of Prasaranam<br />

(expansion and change of place by a deranged organic<br />

principle)] and arc carried down through the large<br />

intestine (Pradhana Dhamani) into the descending colon<br />

and getting lodged therein, give rise to growths of<br />

polypi or fleshy condylomata, which are known as piles.<br />

These growths chiefly appear in persons suffering from<br />

impaired digestion (Agni), and gain in size through<br />

friction with the wearing apparel, weeds, wood, lumps<br />

of clay or stone, or by contact with cold water. 3.<br />

The lower end of the large intestine, which passes<br />

into the flexure of the rectum and measures four and

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