Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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246 THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA. [Chap. I.<br />

from the up-coursing of the deranged Vayu (Urdhva-vata)<br />

such as cough, asthma, &c., or with thirst, hunger,<br />

dryness of the mouth and fatigue, as well as old men,<br />

infants, weak persons, men of timid dispositions and<br />

pregnant women should never fast. A swelling and an<br />

extremely painful ulcer should be respectively treated<br />

with a proper medicated plaster at the very outset. The<br />

pain in such a case will yield to the medicinal plaster<br />

as a blazing room or house is readily extinguished by<br />

means of steady watering. Such plasters not only give<br />

comfort to the patient (by removing the pain and leading<br />

to the absorption of the swelling), but heaves up the bed<br />

of the sore or the ulcer and contributes to its speedy<br />

purification and healing up (granulation). 25 —28.<br />

In the case of a swelling brought on by the deranged<br />

Vayu, the affected part should be washed or sprinkled<br />

(Parisheka) with a warm lotion of clarified butter, oil,<br />

Dhanyamla and essence of meat or with a decoction<br />

of the drugs that tend to pacify the enraged Vayu<br />

and to relieve the pain. A swelling due to the action of<br />

the deranged Pitta or blood or to the effect of<br />

a blow or poison should be washed or sprinkled<br />

with a lotion of milk, clarified butter, honey and sugar<br />

dissolved in water, the expressed juice of sugar-cane<br />

and a cold decoction of the drugs of the Madhura group<br />

(Kakolyadi-gana) and the Kshira-Vrikshas. A Kaphaja<br />

swelling on the body should be washed or sprinkled<br />

with a luke-warm lotion of oil, cow's urine, alkaline<br />

solution, wine (Surd), Sukta and with a decoction of<br />

drugs that destroy the deranged Kapha. 29— 31.<br />

Metrical Text : —As a fire is put out by jets of<br />

water, so the fire of the deranged morbific principles<br />

(Doshdgni) of the body are speedily subdued and put down<br />

by the application of (medicinal lotions) washes. 32.

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