Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chap. IV.] CIIIKITSA STIIANAM, 291<br />

would be found to have been confined in any parti u'ar<br />

part of the body,* 10-12.<br />

In the event of the aggravated Vayu being connected<br />

either with the Pitta or the Kapha, such a course of treat-<br />

ment should be adopted as would not be hostile to the<br />

two other Doshas. Blood-letting (in small quantities)<br />

should be resorted to several times in a case of<br />

complete genesthesia (Supta-Vata) and the body should<br />

be anointed with oil mixed with salt and chamber-dust<br />

(Agara-dhuma) Milk boiled with a decDction of the<br />

drugs of the Pancha-mula group, acid-fruits (Phalamla),<br />

meat-soup or soup of (well-cooked) corn (Dhanya)<br />

with clarified butter are beneficial in cases of Vata-<br />

roga, 13-15.<br />

^alvana-Upanaha :— A poultice composed<br />

of the drugs of the K^.kolyadi group, the Vayu-sub-<br />

duing drugs (those of Bhadra-darvddi and Vidari-<br />

gandhadi groups), and all kinds of acid articlesf (such as,<br />

Kanjika, Sauvira, fermented rice-gruel, etc.), the flesh of<br />

animals which live in swamps (Anupa) or in water<br />

(Audaka)l, oil, clarified butter and all kinds of<br />

lardaceous substances, mixed together and saturated<br />

with a profuse quantity of salt and then slightly heated<br />

is known by the name of Salvana. A person suffering<br />

from any form of Vata roga should be always treated<br />

with such Salvana poultices (Upanaha). The poultice<br />

should be applied to such part of the body as is<br />

"<br />

It is to be understood that measures and remedies laid down<br />

under the head of Sarvanga-gata should be used when the Vayu<br />

would be found to be diffused throughout the whole organism instead of<br />

being confined to any specific part.<br />

t According to others it means all kinds of acid- fruits, etc.<br />

X Chakradatta reads "^IT^qfliH: fln^^:" (well-cooked with the fle.h<br />

of "Anupa" animals) in place of ^|T

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