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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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724 THE SUSIIRUTA SAMHITA. [Chap. V.<br />

gada<br />

Recipe of different Agadas :— IVIaha-<br />

: —The powders of Trivrit, Vis'alyd, Yashti-<br />

madhu, the two kinds of Haridrd, Raktd (^Manjishthd),<br />

Natendra (Aragvadha), the five kinds of officinal salt<br />

and 7>/-^^^«, pasted with honey, should he placed inside<br />

a horn. This Agada or anti-poisonous compound used<br />

as snuff (Nasya), collyrium and anointment acts as a good<br />

neutraliser of poison. It is irresistible in its potency and<br />

is of mighty efficacy. It is called the Mahaigada. 2i.<br />

Ajitagada ; — A compound made of powdered<br />

Vidanga, Pdthd, Tri pJiald, AJamoda, Hingu, Chakra<br />

(Tagara), Tri-kaiu, the five kinds of officinal salt and<br />

Chitraka, pasted with honey, should be kept for a fort-<br />

night inside a cow's horn covered with a lid of the same<br />

material. This anti venomous compound (Agada) is<br />

known as the Ajitagada and is efficacious in cases of<br />

both vegetable and animal poisoning. 22,<br />

Tarkshyagada :~A compound made of the<br />

fine powders of Prapaundarika, Deva-ddru, Mustd, Kdld-<br />

nusdryd, Katu-rohini, Sthauneyaka, Dhydmaka, Pad-<br />

maka, Pmindga, Tdlis^a, Suvarchikd, Kutannata, Eld,<br />

white Sindhu-vdra, S'aihya, Kushtha, Tagara, Priyangu,<br />

Lodhra, Jala {Bdlaka), Svarna-Gairika, Mdgadha, (red)<br />

Chandana and Saindhava salt, taken in equal parts<br />

and pasted with honey, should be kept inside a horn.<br />

This Agada is called the Tairkshyagada and is capable<br />

of neutralising the effects even of the poison of a<br />

Takshaka. 23.<br />

RiShabhag^ada :—A compound made of the<br />

powders of Mdnsi, Triphald, Murangi^ Manjishthd,<br />

Yashti-madhu, Padmaka, Vidanga, Tdlis'a, Sugandhikd,<br />

Eld, Tvak, Kushtha, Teja-patra, Chatidana, Bhdrgi,<br />

Patola, /sr/«i-^2 ( Apdrndrga), Pdthd, Mrigddani, Karkatikd,<br />

fiira (Guggulu), Pdlindi, As'oka, Kramuka and flowers

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