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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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62 NIDANA STHANAM. Chap. IX.]<br />

The Kaphaja Type:—This abscess is shaped<br />

like an Indian saucer (s'arava) and seems cold to the<br />

touch. It assumes a light yellow colour and is character-<br />

ised by numbness, itching and little pain. The growth<br />

and suppuration of this abscess is very slow. The<br />

secretions from a Vataja abscess are thin, those from<br />

a Pittaja type are yellow, while the exudations from a<br />

Kaphaja abscess arc white. J.<br />

The Sannipatika Type:— An abscess of<br />

the Sannipatika type is of varied colour, and is attended<br />

with a varied sort of pain (sucking, drawing, turning<br />

etc.) and exudes secretions of various colours (white,<br />

yellow, etc.). It is little raised or elevated at its top,<br />

large and irregular in its shape and does not uniformly<br />

suppurate in all its parts. 8,<br />

Agantuja or Kshataja Type :-~The local<br />

or inherent heat of an ulcer, (caused by a blow or a<br />

dirt) in a person, addicted to unwholesome regimen, is<br />

augmented and conducted by the deranged Vayu and<br />

vitiates the blood and Pittam, thus giving rise to a kind<br />

of abscess which is known as the Agantuja Vidradhi<br />

(traumatic abscess). Symptoms of the Pittaja type like-<br />

wise mark this type of abscess and fever, thirst and a<br />

burning sensation attend it from the very beginning. 9.<br />

The Raktaja Type:—This abscess assumes<br />

a black or tawny colour, covered with a large number<br />

of black vesicles, and fever and an intolerable burning<br />

and pain attended with all the symptoms peculiar to<br />

the Pittaja type, mark the present form of the disease.<br />

It is called Raktaja Vidradhi. Of external Vidradhis<br />

or abscesses, those of the Sannipatika type should be<br />

regarded as incurable. 10— 1 1.<br />

Antara-Vidradhi ;—Now we shall describe<br />

the characteristic features of internal abscesses (Antara-

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