Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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222 THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA. [Chap. X.<br />

the child her breast. (This rule should be observed<br />

at the time of tending the child every day). 13-14.<br />

Treatment of the mother :—The body<br />

of the mother should be anointed (after parturition)<br />

with the Vala-Taila and treated iboth internally and<br />

externally) with a decoction of Vayu-subduing drugs<br />

(such as the Bhach'a-Ddrvddi grow^, etc.). If still there be<br />

any abnormality in the condition of the Doshas (the<br />

discharge of vitiated blood i c, lochia), the mother<br />

should be given to drink a luke-warm solution of<br />

treacle mixed with powders of Pippali, Pippali roots,<br />

Hasti-pippali, Chitraka and S'ringavem, and the medi-<br />

cine should be continued for two or three days or<br />

longer, (if necessary), till the disappearance of the<br />

vitiated blood (lochia). When the discharge gets normal<br />

{i e., on the appearance of healthy lochia), the mother<br />

should be made to take for three days a gruel<br />

(Yavdgu) prepared with the decoction of the drugs<br />

constituting the Viddri-Gandhddi Gaiia and mixed with<br />

(a good quantity ofj clarified butter or a Yavagu prepared<br />

in milk. After that a meal of boiled Sali-rice and a<br />

broth made from the meats of Jangala animals<br />

boiled with barley, Kola and KulattJui pulse, should be<br />

prescribed for her, taking into consideration the<br />

strength and the condition of her appetite (Agni or<br />

digesting power). The mother should observe this<br />

regimen of diet and conduct for one month and a half<br />

fafter delivery). After this period she may be at<br />

liberty to choose any food to her liking and revert<br />

to her natural mode of living. According to several<br />

authorities, however, a woman does not regain her<br />

natural temperament of body till the reappearance of<br />

the healthy menstruation (after parturition). 15.<br />

A strong but newly delivered woman, born and

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