Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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300 THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA. [Chap. V.<br />

parts and pounded separately ; and the paste of the<br />

following drugs, viz., Kdkoli, Kshira-kdkoli, /ivaka,<br />

Rishabhaka^ Vald, Ati-vald, Visa-mrindla (lotus stem),<br />

Pris'niparni, Mesha-s'ringi, Piydla, S'arkard (sugar),<br />

Kas'eruka, Surabhi, and Vachd should be mixed with<br />

each of the preceding powders and each of these<br />

compounds (so formed) should be boiled with milk,<br />

oil, lard, marrow and clarified butter. The fiv'c<br />

compounds, thus prepared, arc called Payasas, which<br />

should be applied as a hot poultice (Upandha) to<br />

the affected part ; or an Utkarika, made of the pulp<br />

of oily fruit (seeds) * (prepared by cooking them with<br />

milk) should be applied ; or powders of wheat, barley,<br />

sesamum, Mudga pulse, or Masha pulse, and Vcsavdra,<br />

made of various kinds of fish and flesh, should be used<br />

as a plaster. Vilvapes'ikd, Tagara, Deva-ddni, Sarald,<br />

Rdsnd, Haremi, Ktishtha, S'ata-pushpd, Eld, Surd and<br />

cream of milk-curd pasted together, should be applied<br />

to the affected part as a plaster (Upanaha'. As an<br />

alternative, the expressed juice of Matulunga, mixed with<br />

Kanjika, Saindhava salt and clarified butter, pasted to-<br />

gether with the root of the Madhii-s'igru and with sesa-<br />

mum,-f should be used in a similar way. The preceding<br />

remedies should be administered in a case of Vata-Rakta<br />

maikedbya preponderance of the aggravated Vdyu. 8.<br />

Vsita-Rakta with a preponderance<br />

of Pitta : —In cases of Vata-Rakta where the Pitta<br />

preponderates, the patient should be made to drink a<br />

potion consisting of a decoction of Drdkshd, Aragvadha,<br />

Katphala, Kshira-viddri, Yashti-madhii, Chandana and<br />

Kds ;«(^?2)'« sweetened with a quantity of sugar and honey.<br />

* Such as sesamum, castor«seed, linseed, Vibhitaka-seeds, etc.<br />

t Some say that a paste of sesamum only should be used as ^<br />

\ separate plaster.

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