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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chap. X.] SARIRA STHANAM. 23<br />

Infantile Elixirs :—Clarified butter cooked<br />

with (the decoction and Kalka of) white mustard seeds,<br />

Vachd, Mdnsi, Payasyd, Apdnidrga^ S'atdvari, Sdrivd,<br />

Brdhni, Pippali^ Haridrd^ Ktishtha and Samdhava salt<br />

should be given to an infant fed exclusively on milk.<br />

Clarified butter prepared with (the docoction and Kalka<br />

of) Madhuka (Yashtimadhu), Vacha, Chitraka, Pippali<br />

and Triphald should be given to an infant fed both on<br />

milk and (^boiled) rice (solid and liquid food). Clarified<br />

butter boiled with (the decoction and Kalka of) Das'amula,<br />

milk, Tagara^ Bhadraddru, MaricJia, honey, Vidanga,<br />

Drdkshd and the two sorts of Brdhmis should be given<br />

to an infant fed on (boiled) rice (solid food) By these the<br />

health, strength, intellect and longivity of the child<br />

is improved. Z^-Z7'<br />

A child should be so handled or lifted as not to<br />

cause any discomfort. A baby should not be scolded,<br />

nor suddenly roused up (from sleep), lest it might get<br />

awfully frightened. It should not be suddenly drawn<br />

up nor suddenly laid down, lest this should result in the<br />

derangement of its bodily V^yu. An attempt to seat<br />

it (before it has learnt to sit steadily), may lead to<br />

haunch-back (Kyphosis). Lovingly should a child<br />

be fondled and amused with toys and play-things.<br />

A child unruffled by any of the above ways becomes<br />

healthy, cheerful and intelligent as it grows older. An<br />

infant should be guarded against any exposure to the<br />

rains, the sun, or the glare of lightning. He should not<br />

be placed uuder a tree or a creeper, in low lands,<br />

and in lonely houses or in their shades (cavesl ; and it<br />

should be protected from the malignant influences of<br />

evil stars and occult powers. 38.<br />

Metrical Texts : —A child should not be left<br />

(alone) in an unclean and unholy place, nor under the sky

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