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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chap. XVI.] CHIKITSA STHANAM. 417<br />

(anointments, etc.) and fomentations should be first<br />

resorted to, after which blood-letting should be<br />

made ; and the remedial measures of the present<br />

chapter should be then employed When it reaches the<br />

suppurating stage, the bone should be operated upon,<br />

and after the full elimination of the pus and the putrid<br />

matter from the incised ulcer, purifying remedies should<br />

be employed. The incidental ulcer should be washed<br />

with the decoction of the bitter drugs and the Tikta-<br />

Sarpis* should be u>ed. An intelligent physician<br />

should apply the decoction of the drugs of the<br />

Sams'odhaniya group, if the oozing out of the marrow<br />

is not arrested. A medicated oil cooked with Priyangu,<br />

Dhdtaki^ Rodhra, Katphala, Nemi\ and Saindhava<br />

salt should be used in healing up an ulcer incidental<br />

to an opened up Vidradhi. 24-25.<br />

Thus ends the sixteenth Chapter of the Chikilsita Slhanam in the<br />

Sus'rula <strong>Samhita</strong> which deals with the treatment of abscess.<br />

* This medicated Ghrita (Chikitsifa Slhanam, Ch. IX) may be used<br />

both internally and externally with good results. Ed.<br />

t Dallana reads "Tini" in place of "Nemi," both of which, however,<br />

mean "TinisV. Chakradatfa does not include "Saindhava" in the list, but<br />

reads "Tini^'a-twacham" in place of "Nemi-Saindhavam". S'ivcdasa,<br />

however, adds another reading 'Tinis 'am Dhavam" on the authoiity of<br />

Chandrala.<br />


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