Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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[Chap. XXXIV,<br />

men (Adhmana). It arrests the emission of flatus<br />

(Vayu), stool and urine, makes the abdomen distended,<br />

produces a breaking pain in the sides, a pricking pain<br />

in the anus (Guda) and in the urinary bladder (^Vasti)<br />

as well as a disrelish for food. This is called Adhmana.<br />

The patient, in such a case, should be treated with<br />

Andha-varti, appetising medicines and with Vasti<br />

measures. 15.<br />

Pari kartika (cutting pain in the anus, etc.):<br />

The Vayu and Pitta in the organism of an enfeebled<br />

person or of a person whose bowels can be easily moved<br />

or of one of a dry and arid temperament or afflicted<br />

with impaired digestive capacity, are deranged and<br />

aggravated by the use of any extremely sharp, hot,<br />

saline or dry (emetic or purgative) which give rise to<br />

a sort of cutting, sawing pain (Parikartika) in the<br />

anus, penis, umbilical region and the neck of the<br />

bladder (Vasti). The emission of flatus is arrested,<br />

the Va) u (windj lies incarcerated in the abdomen and<br />

relish for food vanishes. The remedy consists in em-<br />

ploying a Pichchha-Vasti with Yashti-madhu and black<br />

sesamum pasted together and dissolved in clarified butter<br />

and honey. The patient should be laved in cold water<br />

and be given his food with milk. Anuvasana-Vasti*<br />

with the cream of clarified butter or with oil cooked<br />

with Yashti-jnadhu should be employed. 16,<br />

Parisrava (.Dysenteric stools) :—TheDoshas and<br />

the morbid matter accumulated in the system of a man<br />

of extremely constipated bowels and almost saturated<br />

with a plethora of Doshas (morbific diathesis) are stirred<br />

up but are not fully emitted under the action of a mild<br />

* In cases of a Pitta-predomin.ince, the Vasti should be employed<br />

with the cream of clarified butler and in caces of a Vayu predominance,<br />

with oil.<br />

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