Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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and with the decoctions, weighing four times that of the<br />

Ghrita, of the drugs of the Nyagrodhddi, Sthirddi (minor<br />

Pancha-mula) and Vilvddi (major Pancha-mula)<br />

groups together with the same weight (sixteen seers) of<br />

milk. The washing (of the affected part) with this me-<br />

dicated Ghrita proves curative in Pittaja erysipelas and<br />

sinus. Visphota (boils\ head diseases, malignant sores<br />

and inflammatory affections of the mouth, yield to<br />

the internal use of this Ghrita. It is called the<br />

Giuryyaidi Ghrita and is highly efficacious in<br />

the derangements to which children are liable, (com-<br />

monly) attributed to the malignant influences of evil<br />

stars, as well as in cases of emaciated ones. 6.<br />

Treatment of Kaphaja Visarpa :—<br />

Cases of the Kaphaja type of Visarpa readily yield to a<br />

proper application of a medicinal plaster (Pradeha)<br />

composed of Aj'a-gandhd, As'va-gandhd, Sarald^<br />

Kdld, Ekaishikd }* and Aja-s'ringi \ pasted with<br />

the urine of a cow. Drugs, such as Kdldnusdryd, Aguru,<br />

Chocha ^cardamom), Gunjd, Rdsnd, Vachd, S'ita-s'iva,<br />

Indra-parni, Pdlmdi, Munjdta and Mahi-Kadamba<br />

Capplied similarly) are also efiicacious in the present<br />

type. Drugs of the Varimddi group may be used in any<br />

form (such as plasters, washes, etc.\ for erysipelas.<br />

Blood-letting (by means of leeches) and Sams'odhana<br />

(purifying) measures are the principal remedies in all<br />

cases of this disease (Visarpa^. Suppurated erysipelas<br />

should be first purified and then treated with the reme-<br />

dies described in the treatment of Vrana (ulcer). 7'S'<br />

* "Sarala" here means "Trivril". Chakradatta reads "^T^"<br />

which also means "Trivril".<br />

|- 'Ekaishika," according to Dallana, would mean S'atdvari but<br />

S'ivaddsa explains it as Patha.<br />

X Gayadasa explains it as Karkata-S'ringi.

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