Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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of these makes tlic patient thirsty and ends in his instan-<br />

taneous death (/. f , within seven days). The serum-<br />

carrying (Rasa-vaha) ducts arc two in nuinljer and<br />

have their roots in (the viscus of) the heart and the<br />

seru^n-carrying Dhamanis (vessels). An injury to or<br />

piercing of any of these ducts gives rise to Sosha (con-<br />

sumption) and sym.pt oms identical with those developed<br />

by a hurt to the Prana-vaha channels of the body,<br />

ending in death. The blood-carrying" Srotas (channels)<br />

arc two in number and have their roots in the spleen and<br />

the liver, and the blood-carrying Dhamanis (capillaries<br />

in general). An injury to any of these channels is<br />

attended with pallor, bluishness of complexion, fever,<br />

burning sensations, excessive haemorrhage, and redness<br />

of the eyes. The two muscle-carrying Srotas (ducts or<br />

channels) have their roots in the (Snayu), nerves<br />

Tvak (serum\ and the blood-carrying Dhamanis<br />

(capillaries). An injury to any of these channels is<br />

characterised by swelling, loss or atrophy of the muscles,<br />

appearance of varicose veins or may (ultimately) resu't<br />

in death. The fat-Cirrying Srotas (ducts) are two in<br />

number and have their roots in the region of the Kati<br />

(waist) and the Vrikkas (kidneys). An injury to any<br />

of these bring in (a copious flow of) perspiration, oily<br />

gloss of the skin, parched condition of the palate,<br />

extensive swelling (of the affected locality) and thirst.<br />

The two urine carrying Srotas (channels) have their<br />

roots in the bladder and the penis (urethra). An injur}-<br />

to any of these is marked b}- constipation or epistaxis<br />

in the bladder, retention of urine, and numbness of the<br />

genitals. The two stool-carrying Srotas (ducts) have<br />

their roots in the Guda (anus) and the Pakvas'aya<br />

(intestines) ; an injuiy to any of these is characterised<br />

by complete retention of stool (in the bowels), accom-

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