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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Ghap. XIV ] CHIKITSA STHANAM. 399<br />

( fomentations ) should be made and the patient<br />

should be fed on boiled rice mixed with milk-curd.<br />

Then the vein (Sira) inside the elbow of his left hand,<br />

should be duly opened. The spleen should be rubbed<br />

with the hand for the proper out-flow of its deranged<br />

blood (^for the relief of that enlarged organ). Then<br />

having properly cleansed his system, the physician<br />

should advise the patient to take the alkali of marine<br />

oyster-shells thrDUgh the medium of milk. As an alter-<br />

native, Yava-kshdra should be given to \\\vi\\\\t\iSauvarch-<br />

ikd and Hingu, or with filtered alkali (made with the<br />

ashes) of Paldsa wood. As an alternative, the alkali<br />

of Pdrijdtaka, Ikshvdku and Apdmdtga^ mixed with oil,<br />

should be prescribed ; or the decoction of S'obhdnjana,<br />

mixed with Chitraka^Saindhava 3.ndPippali,or the alkali<br />

of Puti-karanja, filtered with Kdnjika and mixed with<br />

a copious quantity of Vid salt (black salt) and<br />

powdered Pippali should be administerd, 17.<br />

Shat-palaka Ghrita :—One pala weight of<br />

each of the following drugs, viz,. Pippali, Pippali-roots,<br />

Chiiraka, S'unthi, Yava-kshdra and Saindhava should<br />

be cooked with one Prastha measure of clarified butter<br />

and the same quantity of milk*. The medicated Ghrita<br />

thus prepared is called the Shat-palaka-Ghrita. It is high-<br />

ly efficacious in cases of an enlargement of the spleen,<br />

impaired digestion, Gulma, dropsy, Udavarta, swelling<br />

(Svayathu), jaundice, cough, asthma, catarrh, Urdhva-<br />

Vata and Vishama-Jvara. In cases of Udara attended<br />

with impaired digestion, the Hingva'di Churna should be<br />

prescribed. These measures should be as well employ-<br />

ed in a case of an enlargement of the liver (Yakrit),<br />

but the speciality is that the vein (inside the elbow) of<br />

* The practice, in this case, is to add twelve Seers (three prastha<br />

measures) of water to the Prastha measure of milk at the time of cooking.

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