Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chap. I.] NIDANA STHANAM. II<br />

the regions of the fingers, insteps, abdomen, chest, heart<br />

and throat, forcibly draws in the local ligaments (Snayu),<br />

the body becomes contracted and bent forward, bringing<br />

about a curvature of the inner trunk. The disease<br />

in this form is called Antarayama Dhanushtambha.<br />

The movements of the eyes become impossible, which<br />

become fixed in their sockets ; the jaw-bones become<br />

paralysed, the sides are broken, and the patient ejects<br />

(at intervals quantities of) slimy mucous (Kapham).<br />

These are the features which mark the first type<br />

(Antarayama Dhanushtambha). On the contrary, when<br />

the same enraged Vayu, centred or lodged in ligaments<br />

which traverse the posterior side of the body, attracts<br />

them violently, the body is naturally bent backward.<br />

The patient experiences a sort of breaking pain at<br />

the chest, waist and thighs, (which are ultimately<br />

broken). The disease is called Vahirayama, and should<br />

be looked upon as beyond the pale of all medicinal<br />

treatment. 47— 50.<br />

Four types of Akshepaka are usually recognised<br />

in practice such as, the (i) one incidental to the<br />

concerted action of the enraged bodily Vayu and<br />

Kapham (2), the one brought about through the union<br />

of the enraged Vayu with the deranged Pittam, (3),<br />

the one due to the single action of the agitated Vayu<br />

(4) and the one due to any external injury or blow<br />

( Abhighataja).* An attack of Apatankah due to excessive<br />

haemorrhage, or following closely upon an abortion or<br />

miscarriage at pregnancy (difficult labour), or which is<br />

incidental to an external blow or injury (traumatic),<br />

should be regarded as incurable, 51— 52.<br />

* Brahma Deva designated the four types of the disease, as Apatanakah,<br />

Samsrishta Akshepakab, simple Akshepakah and the Abhighataja<br />


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