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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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[Chap. VIII. SARIRA STIIANAM. 203<br />

would b2 described under the treatment of that disease.<br />

In Vata-rogas, such as Kroshtuka-s'irah (Synovites),<br />

maimedness (Pangu) and lameness (Khanja\ the S'iia<br />

(vein) of the Jangha (lower leg-calf), four fingers above<br />

the Gulpha, should be opened. In cases of Apachi<br />

(scrofula"), the vein should be opened simultaneously with<br />

the appearance of the disease two fingers below the<br />

Indravasti-marma. In a case of Gridhrasi (sciatica^<br />

the vein should be opened four fingers above or below<br />

the Jdnu (knee-joint). In a case of goitre, the veins<br />

attached to the roots of the Uru (thighs) should be<br />

opened. The instructions regarding the opening of a<br />

vein in one leg shall hold good in the case of that in<br />

the other, as well as in cases of those situated in the<br />

two upper extremities (hands), but the speciality is that<br />

in a case of enlarged spleen, the vein near the Kurpara-<br />

sandhi (elbow-joint) of the left hand or that inside the<br />

fourth and the fifth fingers should be opened. Similarly<br />

in a case of Yakriddalyodara or Kaphodara, the corres-<br />

ponding vein in the right hand should be opened.<br />

Several authorities advise the opening of the same vein<br />

in cases of cough and asthma* due to the action of the<br />

deranged Kapha. 27-35.<br />

In a case of Vis'vachi, the same argument holds good<br />

(four fingers above or below the Kurpara-sandhi) as in<br />

a case of Gridhrasi. In a case of Pravahika (diarrhoea)<br />

attended with Sula (colic), the vein within two fingers<br />

width around of the Pelvis (Sroni) should be opened.<br />

The vein of the penis should be opened in a case of<br />

Parikartika (D.R.-Parivartika), Upadans'a, S'uka-dosha<br />

and seminal disorders. The vein on either side of<br />

• Gayi holds Ihat in cases of asthma and cough venesection should<br />

be hal recourse to only when they are in a mild form.

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