Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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taken in a copper or an earthen pot or in a (pot pre-<br />

pared of a) piece of red-coloured and stretched skin.<br />

A member of any of the three twice-born castes but<br />

none of the S'udra class is privileged to drink this<br />

ambrosial elixir (Soma\ In the fourth month (of<br />

taking it) and under the auspices of a full moon a<br />

Soma-drinker should be allowed to stir out of his<br />

chamber with the auspiciousi rites done unto him and<br />

to resume the daily avocations of his life after he had<br />

worshipped the Brdhmanas in a holy place. 8.<br />

IVIctrical Texts : -The use of the (expressed<br />

juice of a) Soma plant, the lord of all medicinal herbs<br />

is followed by rejuvenation of the system of its user<br />

and enables him to witness ten thousand summers on<br />

earth in the full enjoyment of a new (youthful) body.<br />

Such a person b2ars a charmed life against fire, water,<br />

poison and weapon and develops a muscular energy<br />

in his limbs which would be in no way inferior to the<br />

combined strength of a thousand excited (rutted) ele-<br />

phants, of the Bhadra class (which are the most fero-<br />

cious and irresistible) in their sixtieth year. Equipped<br />

with such an excellent physique, he cai easily and<br />

without any opposition cross the Kshiroda (ocean) and<br />

go up to the abode of S'akra (the king of the gods) and<br />

roam to the extreme confines of Uttara (northern) Kuru<br />

or to any other place he likes. He is invested with<br />

a beauty of frame which belongs to Kandarpa (the god<br />

of love) and his complexion (lustre) vies with the<br />

beams of the full moon. The presence of such a<br />

beautiful man gladdens the hearts of all, and the entire<br />

Veda with all their allied branches* of knowledge<br />

* The allied branches of the study of the Vedas are six in num<br />

They are :— fji'^ w^ ^T^T^ 1%^ ^^^ "^W. |

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