Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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impair the di^sitive capacity* and to bring on an<br />

aggravation of the deranged Kapha, while an excess of<br />

the second (^firuha•vast^) tends to aggravate the bodily<br />

Vayu. Hence an application of the Sneha-vasti should<br />

[be followed by one of the Niruha-vasti and vice versa,<br />

\^ order to avoid all apprehension of an aggravation of<br />

Pitta, Kapha and Vayu. Daily applications of a Sneha-<br />

vasti are not forbidden in respect of a person of parched<br />

or dry (Ruksha) and Vaya-predominating temperament,<br />

while in other instances they should be made on each<br />

fourth day, so that the digestive capacity might not<br />

be thereby imp lire i. The applicaion of a moderate<br />

quantity of Sneha with a Sneha-vasti is always beneficial<br />

to persons of parched or dry temperament. Similarly,<br />

an application of the Niruha vasti in a small quantity<br />

always proves beneficial to the persons who have been<br />

already treated with a Sneha (Vasti). 26.<br />

Distresses from Sneha-vasti :—Now<br />

we shall describe the distresses which are found to attend<br />

(an abuse or excess of) a Sneha vasti. Various kinds of<br />

distressing symptoms are produced by the application<br />

of a Sneha vasti of a mild or weak potency in the case<br />

of a patient whose stomach is filled with the aggravated<br />

Doshas so that the Snehi cannot flow back, being over-<br />

whelmed, as it would be, by the aggravated Doshas. 27.<br />

Specific Sy mptOmS : — An astringent taste<br />

in the mouth, yawning, shivering and Vishama-Jvara<br />

with the peculiar Vayuorigined distempers such as, pain<br />

(in the limbs) are the symptoms which mark the reten-<br />

tion of the injected Sneha in the bowels over-whelmed<br />

» Vrinda reads " ^'fTT. fWrf W^l?ri ^T " '" P'^c^ of ' ^TT^^-<br />


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