Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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by the action of the deianged Vayu. Fever, a burning<br />

sensation (of the body), thirst, perspiration, a pungent<br />

taste in the mouth and yellowness of the complexion,<br />

urine and the eyes are the features which are due to the<br />

retention of the injected Sneha in the bowels over-<br />

whelmed by the action of the deranged Pitta. Water-<br />

brash, a sweet taste in the mouth, heaviness of the limbs,<br />

vomiting, difficult breathing, catarrhal fever (Sita-Jvara)<br />

and an aversion to food are the indications due to the<br />

retention of the injected Sneha in the bowels over-<br />

powered by the action of the deranged Kapha. In these<br />

cases, applications of (Sneha) Vastis and such other<br />

remedial measures as are soothing to the Dosha or<br />

Doshas (giving rise to the retention of the Sneha in the<br />

bowels) should be adopted wiih due regard to the nature<br />

and intensity of each. 28-29.<br />

Cramps (Sula) and heaviness in the stomach<br />

(Amas'aya), suppression of the Vayu (flatus), affec-<br />

tion of the heart, a bad taste in the mouth, difficult<br />

respiration, epileptic fits, vertigo and an aversion to<br />

food are the symptoms which attend a retention of<br />

the Sneha in the bowels owing to the pressure of food<br />

matter carried down into the abdomen of a person who<br />

has been so treated after a heavy meal, and they should<br />

be remedied first by fasting and then by appetising<br />

measures. 30.<br />

A languid feeling in the limbs attended with a dis-<br />

tension of the abdomen, colic (S'ula), difficult breathing<br />

and a sense of heaviness in the intestines mark the<br />

retention of the injected Sneha surcharged with the<br />

fcecal matter of a person previously uncleansed by<br />

proper remedies. The remedy in such cases consists<br />

in the application of Niruha-vastis as well as Sneha-<br />

vastis wiih the admixturL- (»f kecn-potencied drugs. 31.

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