Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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CHAPTER V.<br />

Now we shall discourse on the Sari ram which treats<br />

of the anatom}- of the human body (Sarira-<br />

^ankhya-Vyakaranam). i.<br />

Definition of Garbha and ^arira : -<br />

The combined semen and ovum (Sukra and Sonita) in<br />

the womb, mixed with (the eight categories known as)<br />

the Prakriti and (her sixteen modifications known as)<br />

Vikdra, and ridden in b}' the Atma (self-consicous self),<br />

is called the foBtus. There is consciousness in the<br />

embryo. The Vayu (or the vital force") divides it into<br />

Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, etc., limbs, and organs, etc. The<br />

Teja (or the heat latent in the fecundated matter) gives<br />

rise to the metabolism of the tissues ; the Apa (water)<br />

keeps it in a liquid state ; the<br />

Kshiti (earth) is embodied<br />

in the shape of its species ; and the Akasa (ether) contri-<br />

butes to its growth and development. A full}' developed<br />

foetus with all its parts, such as the hands, feet, tongue,<br />

nose, ears, buttocks etc. and the sense-organs, is called<br />

Sariram or body. The body is composed of six<br />

main parts, namely, the four extremities (upper and<br />

lower), the trunk or middle body, and the head. 2.<br />

Different members of the body : -Now<br />

we shall describe the Pratyangas or members of the<br />

body. The head, the belly (Epigastrium), the back, the<br />

navel (umbilical region), the forehead, the nose, the chin,<br />

the bladder, and the throat (neck), occur singly ; the<br />

ears, the eyes, the nostrils, the eye-brows, the temples,<br />

the shoulders, the cheek, the armpits, the breasts, the<br />

testes, the sides, the buttocks, the arms, the thighs, and<br />

the knee-joints, etc., occur in pairs. The fingers and

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