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Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chap. XII.] CHIKIT5A STHANAM. 383<br />

of powdered black- iron* should be mixed together and<br />

taken in adequate doses with honey and clarified butter.<br />

This is called the Navayasa Churna, which proves<br />

curative in abdominal obesity, improves the impaired<br />

digestion and acts as a prophylactic against haemor-<br />

rhoids, swelling, jaundice, Kushtha, indigestion, cough,<br />

asthma and Prameha, etc. 10.<br />

LohariShta :— A decoction of the drugs of the<br />

S'ald-sdrddi group should be made by boiling it down<br />

to a quarter part (of the original quantity of water).<br />

Then it should be duly filtered ; when cooled, a quantity<br />

(z>., fifty Pala weight) of Makshika-honeyf should be<br />

added to it. A quantity of purified treacle:|: reduced to<br />

the consistency of Phanita as well as fine powders of<br />

the drugs of the Pippalyddi group should be mixed with<br />

it. A strong and well cleansed (earthen) pitcher satu-<br />

* Charaka and Chakrapani Datla insert this medicine among the<br />

curatives of " Pa'ndu-roga ". S'ivadasa (the commentator) advises to<br />

take '* Mandura-iron" instead of " black-iron ". In the practical field<br />

also we derive great and good effects in cases of spleen and liver diseases<br />

and specially in cases of infantile liver and heart diseases.— Ed.<br />

t Dallana says that fifty Pala weight of each of the two substances<br />

Madhva'sava and Pha'nita, and twenty-five Pala weight of each of the<br />

following substances., viz. , the powders of the drugs of the Pippalyadi<br />

group and steel-foils, should be taken in preparing it. But Gayadasa<br />

explains that such a quantity of old and matured honey should be mixed<br />

with the decoction as will sweeten it ; the same quantity of old and<br />

matured Phanita treacle should be taken ; the powders of Pippalyadi<br />

group should be added to it till it gets a slight astringent (Katuka)<br />

taste.<br />

Some commentators, however, hold that the honey, the powders of the<br />

drugs of the Pippalyadi group and of the steel-foils should be each a<br />

quarter part of the decoction in weight.<br />

Dallana explains the term "Madhu" as the A'sava prepared of<br />

honey. Gayadasa, however, explains it simply as honey.<br />

t The Phanita should be refined by dissolving it in the decoction of<br />

the drugs of the S'ala-saradi group and then filtere .— Dallanat

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