Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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patient should be immediately pressed by th3 neck<br />

and (his body) shaken. Strong purgatives and errhines<br />

should be administered, and sprinkling him with cold<br />

water should be prescribed. If a Vasti be applied with<br />

lesser force, the medicinal fluid of the Vasti cannot<br />

reach the intestines (Pakvas'aya) and (consequently fails<br />

to produce the desired effect Hence it should be duly<br />

pressed. If it be pressed at intervals, the wind (V^yu)<br />

in the abdomen becomes enraged, and gives rise to<br />

tympanites (AdhmanaJ ai\d excruciating pain therein.<br />

The medicinal treatment in such a case should be the ap<br />

plications of proper Vastis in consideration of the nature<br />

of the aggravated Doshas involved therein If the pipe<br />

be retained for an (unnecessarily) long time in the<br />

rectum during the application of a Vasti, it tends to<br />

increase the pain, and bring about an aggravation of the<br />

disease. This should be remedied by a second appli-<br />

cation of the Vasti charged with proper antidotal solutions<br />

sufficient to cope with the intensity of the disease. 4.<br />

The use of an insufficiently cooked Sneha (in a<br />

Vasti) leaves a slimy sticky deposit on the inner<br />

lining of the rectum accompanied by a local swelling<br />

which should be remedied by the application of a<br />

Sams'odhana-vasti and the exhibition of purgatives.*<br />

The application of a Vasti of either kind (Asthapana<br />

and Anuvasana) charged with a deficient or inadequate<br />

quantity of a medicinal solution, proves abortive in all<br />

instances; whereas diarrhoea (Atisdra), fatigue and Anaha<br />

(distension of the abdomen with the retention of stool,<br />

urine, etc.) result from the application of one charged<br />

with an excessive quantity of the fluid. The applica-<br />

tion of a Vasti charged with an extremely warm or<br />

* Gayaflasa reals and recommeads that the purgatives to be used in<br />

such a case should be devoid of any oleaginous substances (Sneha).<br />


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