Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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Chandana, Kirdta and Pippali should be pasted together.<br />

This pasted Kalka and the decoction should be cooked<br />

with aPrastha measure of clarified butter. The medicated<br />

Ghrita thus prepared is called the Tikta-Sarpih. Dis-<br />

eases such as Kushtha, chronic fever, Gulma, Haemor-<br />

rhoids, Grahani, edema, jaundice, erysipelas and impo-<br />

tency readily yield to the curative efficacy of this<br />

Ghrita. lo.<br />

lYIedicinal Plasters for Kushtha :—<br />

Having first soothed the patient with any of the pre-<br />

ceding medicated clarified butters and having his body<br />

fomented, the surgeon should have recourse to the veni-<br />

section. One, two, three, four, or five s'irds (veins) of the<br />

patient may be opened (according to the circumtances).<br />

The raised or elevated patches on the skin should be<br />

scraped off, or should be kept constantly covered with a<br />

medicinal plaster. As an alternative, the characteristic<br />

patches of the disease should be first rubbed with<br />

the substance known as the Samudra-plmia or with the<br />

leaves of S'dka, Goj'i, or Kdkodmnhara and a plaster<br />

(Lepa) composed of Ldkshd, Sarja-rasa, Rasdjij'atta,<br />

Prapicnndda, Avalguja, Tejovati and the roots of.<br />

As'va-mdraka , Arka, Kutaja, and Arevata, pasted with<br />

the urine or bile of a cow, should be applied to them; or<br />

Svarjikd, sulphate of copper, sulphate of iron, Vidanga,<br />

Agara-dhuma, Chitraka, Katuka, Sud/id, turmeric and<br />

Saindhava pounded together with the urine or bile of a<br />

^<br />

cow should be applied to the diseased localities.<br />

As an alternative, the alkali, prepared from the ashes<br />

of Palds'a wood in the prescribed manner, should<br />

be boiled with the powders of the preceding drugs ;^ it<br />

should be removed from the oven after reducing it to<br />

the thickness or consistency of a Phanita and usedm<br />

plastering (the diseased patches) ; or a plaster composed

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