Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global

Susruta Samhita - Mandhata Global


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anoint (the body) and the decoction of Soma-vnlka for<br />

bathing (Pari sheka). The same should be prescribed<br />

on the tenth day, and from thence the skin becomes<br />

firm. The eleventh and twelfth day should be passed<br />

in the same way. From the thirteenth till the sixteenth<br />

day (both the days inclusive) the body should be washed<br />

with the decoction of Somavalka. New teeth well-<br />

formed, symmetric^il, strong, hard and as clear as a<br />

diamond or crystal or ruby would appear on the seven-<br />

teenth and eighteenth days. Gruels (Yavagu) pre-<br />

pared with old S'dli-rice and milk should form his diet<br />

till the twenty-fifth day. After that period well boiled<br />

S'AH rice should be taken in the morning and evening<br />

with milk. Fixed, glossy and coral coloured finger-<br />

nails resembling the new rising sun in lusture and<br />

possessed of auspicious marks would be found to be<br />

growing after the lapse of that period and hair begin<br />

to grow, the skin would assume the soft hue of a blue<br />

lotus (Nilotpala), Atasi flower or of a ruby stone.<br />

After a month the hair should be shaved and a plaster<br />

composed of Us'ira, Chandana and black sesamum<br />

applied to the scalp, and the patient should take a<br />

milk-bath. This would lead to the growth of deep<br />

bee-black curls of hair in the course of a week. 7-B.<br />

Then the patient should be allowed to stir out from<br />

the inmost chamber only to re-enter it again after a stay<br />

of a Muhurta (forty-eight minutes) in the outer chamber.<br />

Thenceforth Valai taila (described before) should be used<br />

in anointing (Abhyanga) his body ; pasted barley in<br />

rubbing (Udvartana) ;<br />

tepid milk in washing (Parisheka)<br />

it ; and a decoction of Aja-karna in rubbing (Utsddana)<br />

the dirt of. Similarly well water (scented) with Vs'ira<br />

should be used for the purpose of bathing (Snana)<br />

Sandal pastes as unguents (Anulepana) and the expressed<br />


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