Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

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i résistances carbone (A)i résistances electrolyte (A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7temps (s)µmx=80µmx=60µmx=40µmx=20µmx=0µmx=0µmx=20µmx=40µmx=60µmx=80µmx=100µm00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7temps (s)SolidPhaseClose to theseparatorLiquidphaseFigure 10: Current distribution as a function of time for different position inthe electrode. 0.4A as charge current.dissipated power (W) September 2008, Rome, Italycharge currents can be predicted for any operatingconditions. A better understanding of the electro-thermalbehavior has been achieved. Investigations have to improvethermal analysis for producing reliable and safe ElectricDouble Layer Capacitors. with long cycle-lifeREFERENCES[1] Burke A., « Ultracapacitors: why, how, and where is the technology »,Journal of Power Sources, vol. 91, 2000, p. 37-50.[2] Burke A., « R&D considerations for the performance and application ofelectrochemical capacitors », Electrochimica Acta, vol. 53, p. 1083-1091,2007.[3] Conway B.E., « Electrochemical Supercapacitors », ScientificFundamentals and Technological Applications, Kluwer Academic PlenumPress, New York, 1999.[4] Dunn D, Newman J, « Predictions of Specific Energies and SpecificPowers in Double-Layer Capacitors Using a Simplified Model », Journal ofThe Electrochemical Society, 147, p. 820-830, 2000.[5] Fahrahmandi C J, « A Mathematical Model of an ElectrochemicalCapacitor with Porous Electrodes », Journal Proceedings on the Symposiumon Electrochemical Capacitors, Editors F. M. Delnick and M. Tomkiewicz,Electrochemical Society, 1997.[6] Moruzuni T, Posey F A, « Theory of Potentiostatic and GalvanostaticCharging of the Double Layer in Porous Electrode », Journal of TheElectrochemical Society, 113, 176, 1966.[7] Johnson A M, Newman J, « Desalting by Means of Porous CarbonElectrodes », Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 118, 405, 1971.[8] de Levie, R., Electrochemica Acta, 8, p. 751, 1963.[9] Miller J.R., Burke A.F.., « Electrochemical Capacitors: Challenges andOpportunities for Real-World Applications », The Electrochemical SocietyInterface, 17, p. 53-57, 2008.[10] Verbrugge M.W., Liu P., « Microstructural Analysis and MathematicalModeling of Electric Double-Layer Supercapacitors », Journal of TheElectrochemical Society, 152, p. 79-87, 2005.0.04Charge Discharge Charge Discharge0.0200 5 10 15 20 25 30time (s)Figure 11: Dissipated power as a function of time, as calculated, for aDouble Layer Capacitor cell with 0.4 A as charge current.IV.CONCLUSIONA calorimetric technique was developed for measuring theheat generation rates of Electric Double Layer Capacitorsunder cycling. The technique was described. The heatgeneration rates were measured as a function of currentcycles for carbon cells. Thermal measurements were found ingood agreement with a porous electrode model describing thecharging mechanisms. Calculations were performed afterestimating the electrical properties of the cell by fitting thedynamic cell voltage. Dissipated power due to discharge and©<strong>EDA</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong>/THERMINIC 2008 228ISBN: 978-2-35500-008-9

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