Final Program - Society for Risk Analysis

Final Program - Society for Risk Analysis

Final Program - Society for Risk Analysis


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6:15 - 8:15 PMP Poster SessionBallroom ABEBASGP.1 Seeing the <strong>for</strong>est through thetrees: NRD and dynamic ecosystemsCantor RA, Menzie CA, Deardorff TL,Hulme-Lowe CK, Wickwire WTExponentDecision <strong>Analysis</strong> & <strong>Risk</strong>P.2 Quantitative risk model <strong>for</strong>foodborne pathogens in herbs andspicesFedoruk A, Davidson VJ, Fazil AUniversity of Guelph, Public Health Agencyof Canada<strong>Risk</strong>, Policy and LawP.3 China’s newly promulgatedregulation on the environmentalmanagement of new chemical substancesCragin DW, Silverman KCMerck & Co.Biological StressorsP.4 Comparing and prioritizingpathogen risksJoe AL, Gurian PL, Olson MS, Teng J,Marquez EB, Kumar A, Pepper I, GerbaCP, Galada HCDrexel UniversityP.5 Increasing the temperature ofhigh temperature, short time pasteurizationmay increase the risk oflisteriosis from consumption of pasteurizedfluid milk.Stasiewicz M, Martin N, Laue S, WiedmannMCornell University22P.6 Identifiability of bioaerosolsize fraction from environmentalsamplingHong T, Gurian PLDrexel UniversityNanomaterials: OccupationalExposure LimitsP.7 Proposal <strong>for</strong> an occupationalexposure limit of carbon nanotubesbased on their risk evaluationNakanishi J, Gamo M, Ema M, Ogura I,Kobayashi NAdvanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)P.8 <strong>Risk</strong> assessment of nanomaterials- fullerene C60Shinohara N, Gamo M, Nakanishi JNational Institute of Advanced IndustrialScience and TechnologyP.9 <strong>Risk</strong> assessment of nanomaterials- titanium dioxide (TiO 2)Gamo M, Ogura I, Kobayashi N, Ema M,Nakanishi JNational Institute of Advanced IndustrialScience and Technology (AIST)P.11 Quantifying the interdependenteffects of supply chain disruptionsand mitigation strategiesMacKenzie CA, Barker KUniversity of OklahomaP.12 International symposium oncultural property risk analysis: reporton an SRA sponsored eventWaller RR, Dinis MFProtect Heritage Corp., Faculdade de Ciênciase Tecnologia da Universidade Nova deLisboaMondaySecurity & DefenseP.13 Extending methods of vulnerabilityanalysis to address resilienceand robustnessTas S, Bier VMUniversity of Wisconsin at MadisonP.14 Subsidizing to disrupt a terrorismsupply chain - a four-player gameShan X, Zhuang JUniversity at Buffalo, The State Universityof New YorkP.15 The chemical terrorism risk assessmentCox J, McGarvey D, Whitmire M,Hawkins B, Montello B, Shroy BDHS Chemical Security <strong>Analysis</strong> Center(CSAC), Battelle Memorial InstituteP.16 <strong>Risk</strong> screening assessmentsat Los Alamos National Laboratory(Part 1. Human Health)Fristachi A, Mirenda REnvironmental <strong>Risk</strong> Resources, Los AlamosNational LaboratoryP.17 Ensuring consistency in riskanalysis event trees and consequencesStreetman SSData Architecture Solutions, Inc., DHSP.18 ITRA sensitivity study: subwayevent response analysisMcMillan NJ, Tollar E, Wightman J,Huckett JBattelleEcological <strong>Risk</strong>P.19 <strong>Analysis</strong> of coastal pollution:looking <strong>for</strong> water quality index whichcorrelates physicochemical parametersand biomarkers in native aquaticplants used as sentinels.Dopchiz LP, Martin P, Michieli JL, DemichelisSOUniversity John F. Kennedy of Argentina,National University of La PlataP.20 Integral plan of management<strong>for</strong> chemical emergencies in Lanús-ArgentinaLopez CR, Demichelis SONational University of LanusP.21 Population risks in a smallcoastal town of the Rio de la Platariver: a case of studyMedrano D, Demichelis SONational University of LanusP.22 Landslide risk assessment infundamental roads of Bolivia usingmulti-criteria and Geographic In<strong>for</strong>mationSystems analysisLedezma FFLWater and Sanitation CentreP.23 <strong>Analysis</strong> of changes in densityof distribution of air temperatureover last decades using quantileregression method and radiosondemeasurementsTimofeev AA, Sterin AMRIHMI-WDCP.24 Preliminary assessment of thecarbon footprint in the chemical industryin the field of basic chemistryVillarraga Farfán EJUniversidad de los AndesP.25 Meteorological risks reductionin <strong>for</strong>ecasting convective events fromsatellite dataAgurenko AO, Korshunov AARIHMI-WDCP.27 Evaluation of <strong>for</strong>maldehydeair emissions from a washing machineand potential human exposureMcCready D, Arnold S, Fontaine DThe Dow Chemical CompanyP.28 Update to the U.S. EPA’s guidelines<strong>for</strong> (human) exposure assessmentand monitoringTulve NS, Olsen M, Broder MUS Environmental Protection AgencyP.29 An in vitro to in vivo extrapolationapproach <strong>for</strong> conducting a cumulativerisk assessment <strong>for</strong> phthalateestersChoi K, Campbell J, Clewell HThe Hamner Insitutes <strong>for</strong> Health SciencesP.30 Exposure assessment <strong>for</strong> ambienthexavalent chromium (Cr(VI))in Japanese industrial areaOno K, Toyoda T, Shimada S, Nezu TNational Institute of Advanced IndustrialScience and TechnologyP.31 Blood mercury concentrationand fish consumption: risk and perceptionsof risk among urban andcoastal mother in TaiwanJiang CB, Chien LC, Han BC, Hsu CSTMUP.32 Mouthing frequency of childrenunder 2 years old in TaiwanTsou MC, Chien LC, Özkaynak H,Beamer P, Dang WTMUP.33 Exposure assessment of metalconcentration and relevant factors onwomen reproductivity abilityLei HL, Chien LC, Liao KW, Yeh CYTaipei Medical UniversityP.34 A study on alternative risk assessmentscheme of frame retardantsKotani K, Managaki S, Masunaga SYokohama National University

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