From Poverty to Power Green, Oxfam 2008 - weman

From Poverty to Power Green, Oxfam 2008 - weman

From Poverty to Power Green, Oxfam 2008 - weman


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5 THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM AIDTABLE 5.1: THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALSGOALKEY TARGET1 ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTYAND HUNGERHalve the proportion of people living onless than $1 a day by 2015.Halve the proportion of people whosuffer from hunger by 2015.2 ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARYEDUCATIONEnsure that all children complete a fullcourse of primary schooling by 2015.3 PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITYAND EMPOWER WOMENEliminate gender disparity in primaryand secondary education by 2005, and inall levels of education by 2015.4 REDUCE CHILD MORTALITYReduce the mortality rate of childrenunder five by two-thirds by 2015.5 IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTHReduce by three-quarters the ratio ofwomen dying in childbirth by 2015.6 COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALARIAAND OTHER DISEASESHalt and begin <strong>to</strong> reverse the incidenceof HIV/AIDS and other major diseasesby 2015.7 ENSURE ENVIRONMENTALSUSTAINABILITYHalve by 2015 the proportion of peoplewithout access <strong>to</strong> safe drinking waterand basic sanitation.8 DEVELOP A GLOBAL PARTNER-SHIP FOR DEVELOPMENTDevelop a non-discrimina<strong>to</strong>ry andrules-based trading system, providemore generous aid and dealcomprehensively with the debt problem.Even aid’s supporters disagree about whether it should be viewed as asensible and generous gesture of solidarity <strong>to</strong> rebalance the extremeinequalities in the global distribution of income,or as a matter of justice:minimal reparations for problems caused by the rich countriesthrough colonialism, imperialism, and <strong>to</strong>day’s unfair trade andfinance regimes.355

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