From Poverty to Power Green, Oxfam 2008 - weman

From Poverty to Power Green, Oxfam 2008 - weman

From Poverty to Power Green, Oxfam 2008 - weman


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GLOSSARYCarbon tradingComparativeadvantageCorruptionCreativedestructionDebt/financialcrisisDumpingHowever, in many cases it has also led <strong>to</strong> volatilityand instability in financial markets.The two main types of carbon trading are emissionstrading, or ‘cap and trade’, under which governmentsset a ceiling on emissions from a particular sec<strong>to</strong>r andcompanies are allocated a tradeable allowance for theiremissions; and offset trading, which involves reducingemissions from projects outside an economy that hasa manda<strong>to</strong>ry cap on emissions (for example, in adeveloping country).Theory advanced by nineteenth-century economistDavid Ricardo that countries can attain greaterwealth by producing only goods that are relativelyefficient <strong>to</strong> produce, then trading those goods withother countries, rather than trying <strong>to</strong> produce allgoods for themselves.Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power forprivate gain.‘Corruption for need’ refers <strong>to</strong> smallscalecharges levied by officials who are themselvespoorly paid; ‘corruption for greed’ is graft on agrander scale, typically involving senior officials,governments, or transnational corporations.Term popularised by economist Joseph Schumpeter(in his 1942 book Capitalism, Socialism andDemocracy) <strong>to</strong> describe transformation and upheavalthat leads <strong>to</strong> radical innovation. According <strong>to</strong> thisconcept, entrepreneurs play a particularly importantrole in stimulating economic growth.Can take different forms: for example, in poorcountries, governments may have unmanageable debtsowed <strong>to</strong> credi<strong>to</strong>r governments or <strong>to</strong> internationalfinancial institutions; in middle-income countries,mass default on private debt can destabilise theeconomy, or governments may be unable <strong>to</strong> repaypublic and private credi<strong>to</strong>rs. The first is typically achronic problem (debt crisis); the second two tend <strong>to</strong>be sudden-onset crises linked <strong>to</strong> capital markets(financial crisis).In international trade, when a government ormanufacturer in one country exports a product <strong>to</strong>another country at a price lower than the domesticprice, or lower than the cost of production. The501

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