universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...


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93between the date the book was published and the date the review came out: if the timelag is shorter than ten months, the text is no more than 441 words, if the time lag is morethan ten months, the text has as many as 864 words. This may indicate reviewers’ten<strong>de</strong>ncy in adopting a ‘safer’ approach in criticism, producing less evaluative BRswhen the book is totally new to the discipline and they have insufficient feedback on theeffects of the new publication. As time passes and they receive more feedback fromconsensual opinions on the book, reviewers may feel safer to provi<strong>de</strong> more elaboratedand critical arguments.For the linguistics editor, length se<strong>em</strong>s to be of secondary importance when styleis discussed:[L]Not all reviews get published. Most do not need much editing , but some are sentback for stylistic revisions primarily, not for content.In economics, style and length is a probl<strong>em</strong> that is constantly <strong>de</strong>alt with:[E]There are exceptions, but usually we reject reviews because they are poorlywritten. We write back and... sometimes they come in longer than we asked th<strong>em</strong>to. So we go back and ask th<strong>em</strong> to cut material out. But sometimes we will goback and say that “This is really not well written and we’d like you to change it”.And we make some suggestions on how they should change it.but length regulations can also be changed if necessary:

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