universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...


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339• [book] heavily <strong>de</strong>scriptive• lack [of consi<strong>de</strong>rations]• references to basic literature arelacking• bibliography lacks oppositeliterature• very little is said• quite theoretically oriented•• total lack of attention to othermo<strong>de</strong>ls• no reference to specific theoryTable 8 Field RelationPRAISELinguistics Ch<strong>em</strong>istry Economics• maintains high standards [ofprevious work]• good starting point for readingthe original literature• mention to other literature• effort to extend the researchfield• valuable in bringing...European thinking• excellent historic overview• firm international and linguisticbasis• close connection with otherareas of research• book provi<strong>de</strong>s a convenientintroduction to much of therelevant literature unfamiliar tononspecialists• other authors would hardlydisagree with author’s generalanalysisBLAMELinguistics Ch<strong>em</strong>istry Economics• need to do a great <strong>de</strong>al ofbackground reading• • greatest weakness lies in thefailure to recognize the large•• virtual neglect of [otherbody of work in economics andrelated disciplinesopinions]• authors isolate th<strong>em</strong>selves more• rea<strong>de</strong>r should be advised tothan necessaryconsult instead the primarysources• authors conce<strong>de</strong> too much terrainto the intellectual <strong>em</strong>pire of the• autoreferenceextr<strong>em</strong>e individualists• reference to forthcomingpapers• lack of coordination withprevious literature• reference to other paper where• no mention of any work on theseauthor has said in more <strong>de</strong>tailareaswhat he really wants to say inthis paper• more related works not discussedor referred to• impossible to relate the book toearlier volumeTable 9 Terms of Praise and BlamePRAISELinguistics Ch<strong>em</strong>istry Economics

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