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111contributors insi<strong>de</strong> back cover). Nevertheless, most of the time BRs and ‘review articles’are treated as two distinct genres.The number of ex<strong>em</strong>plars of the genre per issue also varied <strong>de</strong>pending on the title.Some journals in economics and ch<strong>em</strong>istry had more than fifteen BRs per issue, spreadalong a set of different sections divi<strong>de</strong>d by topic. The th<strong>em</strong>atic subdivision that comesfirst in BR sections is normally the one that relates directly to the title and the centralth<strong>em</strong>e of the journal (in opposition to ‘Volumes of Proceedings’ or ‘Applied Subjects’,for example). Therefore only those texts appearing in the first th<strong>em</strong>atic subdivision ofBR sections were collected. In linguistics, the ‘Bradford’s law of scattering’ does nothold as in the other two areas, i.e., most journal issues in linguistics carry BRs and, witha few exceptions, the number of BRs per issue is not so concentrated. Basic text featuresSome surface text features of varying importance were used as criteria for theselection of the data. They are:• The reviewer’s i<strong>de</strong>ntification: Since a common trace of the genre consists inbook reviewers’ signing their texts, unsigned texts were eliminated from the corpus;• The number of books being reviewed: This second criterion has to do with thedifferentiation between BRs and review articles. Texts that aimed at evaluating morethan one book at a time were not consi<strong>de</strong>red in the analysis;• BRs that focused on books that had the word ‘Proceedings’ in the title or in thetext to refer to the book being reviewed were eliminated from the analysis. As pointed

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