universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...

universidade federal de santa catarina pós-graduação em letras ...


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62there have been studies that have relativized this characteristic as a typical but notnecessary feature (Nwogu, 1990:138; Dudley-Evans, 1994:225). Therefore, I will opt forthe typicality of or<strong>de</strong>r, so that some variation in the or<strong>de</strong>r and even repetition of BRmoves and sub-functions are allowed (as will be seen in the following chapter about thetext analysis proper).2.5.2 Genre and registerConcerning the second issue of relationship between register and genre, therese<strong>em</strong>s to be some overlapping between both terms. Halliday (1985) states that differentregisters are associated with different contexts in which language is functioning, varyingaccording to the use of the language and to the kind of activity the user is involved with.Registers are used for different purposes, to convey different meanings in differentcontexts, as for example, doctor/patient register in opposition to classroom register.As it is proposed, this conceptualization of register se<strong>em</strong>s closely related to that ofgenre in Swales' approach (1990). For Halliday, register corresponds to:‘a variety of language, corresponding to a variety of situations: (...)the kind ofvariation in language that goes with variation in the context of situation. (...) Aregister is (...) a configuration of meanings that are typically associated with aparticular situational configuration of field, tenor, and mo<strong>de</strong>,(...) a register mustalso, of course, inclu<strong>de</strong> the expressions, the lexico-grammatical and phonologicalfeatures, that typically accompany or REALISE these meanings.' (1985:38-39)(<strong>em</strong>phasis in the original)Discourse Analysts have a difficult time in stating clear cut boundaries for theconcept of ‘genre’ in opposition to other affiliated concepts such as ‘register’ (Swales1993a:689) and, at times, the limiting bor<strong>de</strong>rs between approaches can hardly be seen.

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